Old School Circle Pit


New Metal Member
Jan 18, 2006
Saint Paul
I was wondering what ever happened to the skankin happy fist bangin pits of yesterday? It shouldn't take Scotty to tell the crowd to get a real pit going. Ten guys bouncing of each other isn't moshing its about throwin fist, boots, pinwheels etc... was at the First Ave show and would love to see the footage if its ever posted. PLEASE DO. Once Scott mentioned a real pit for Indians it was incredible it was like ten tears ago when people still knew how to do it.
MinnesotaMosher said:
its about throwin fist, boots, pinwheels etc...

God those pits are so lame. Everyone stands 10 feet away from each other looking like theyre under attack from a swarm of bees.
ElectricCrown said:
God those pits are so lame. Everyone stands 10 feet away from each other looking like theyre under attack from a swarm of bees.
You're thinkin of the hardcore dancin you see at some of the shows guys all by themselfs doing dropkicks ans shit thats not what i mean. Pop in some old conceert vids Slayer, Anthrax, Pantera etc.. you'll see what i mean
MinnesotaMosher said:
You're thinkin of the hardcore dancin you see at some of the shows guys all by themselfs doing dropkicks ans shit thats not what i mean. Pop in some old conceert vids Slayer, Anthrax, Pantera etc.. you'll see what i mean

yeah, I know what you mean, I went to thrash/death shows in the 80s in Wichita KS and the pits never stopped during the entire show. you had a cluster of people up front and a huge damn pit going counterclockwise, it was a wonderful time and if you didn't experience it, it CAN'T be explained.
whitey131 said:
I be in the minority but I think moshing is just friggen dumb

Agreed. Maybe because it's old, but moshpits and crowd surfers can go fuck themselves. If I require some fucking semi-fan who has one best of cd to kick me in the head while I'm trying to watch one of my favourite bands. Until then: FUCK OFF!!!
ATL tour at the Aragon ballroom in Chicago.My first Anthrax show and my first pit. Let me set this up a little for ya.... back then they had seating on the main floor consisting of folding METAL chairs. Short sighted to say the least. From the start of the show there was a small pit going up front. 2-3 songs in the seat cusions had already been seperated from the chairs and become airborne. Once the pit was about half the main floor the METAL chairs started flying! It was unfuckinreal.. Fists, boots, chairs and blood! It was like a no DQ Royal Rumble with a couple hundred people. The high light was this fucker in one of the upper boxes that didnt wanna waste time on the stairs to get to the pit and just fucking jumped! I left beaten, bruised and some of friends were a little bloody. All were smiling and happy to fucking be. I see these little dweebs out there with 10 feet betwwen them and the next closest dork nozzle trying desperately to dislocate thier own limbs and it makes me wanna puke! Of course in a real pit these days being older I just may puke too! LOL!
ThraxEm said:
ATL tour at the Aragon ballroom in Chicago.My first Anthrax show and my first pit. Let me set this up a little for ya.... back then they had seating on the main floor consisting of folding METAL chairs. Short sighted to say the least. From the start of the show there was a small pit going up front. 2-3 songs in the seat cusions had already been seperated from the chairs and become airborne. Once the pit was about half the main floor the METAL chairs started flying! It was unfuckinreal.. Fists, boots, chairs and blood! It was like a no DQ Royal Rumble with a couple hundred people. The high light was this fucker in one of the upper boxes that didnt wanna waste time on the stairs to get to the pit and just fucking jumped! I left beaten, bruised and some of friends were a little bloody. All were smiling and happy to fucking be. I see these little dweebs out there with 10 feet betwwen them and the next closest dork nozzle trying desperately to dislocate thier own limbs and it makes me wanna puke! Of course in a real pit these days being older I just may puke too! LOL!
aww the good old days. The thing about circle pits is that you are moving and can do anything you want. Run, skip , stomp, drive a car (my specialty) sratch your ass, windmill, pick up the change etc etc etc. I fuckin hate when its just fists and knuckles. Thats more of a hardcore thing but still. I hate it....
prime666 said:
aww the good old days. The thing about circle pits is that you are moving and can do anything you want. Run, skip , stomp, drive a car (my specialty) sratch your ass, windmill, pick up the change etc etc etc. I fuckin hate when its just fists and knuckles. Thats more of a hardcore thing but still. I hate it....

Yep, circle pits rule. But today it's dangerous. Kids fight like in fightclub. They don't even hear the music anymore. Nowadays I prefer standing at the back watching the show (having a bu. aehh a real beer).

If you want to see real great circlepits, watch the new devildriver video:
End of the Line
prime666 said:
aww the good old days. The thing about circle pits is that you are moving and can do anything you want. Run, skip , stomp, drive a car (my specialty) sratch your ass, windmill, pick up the change etc etc etc. I fuckin hate when its just fists and knuckles. Thats more of a hardcore thing but still. I hate it....
Now that I'm older, have bad knees, and I'm a big pussy, I stay the hell away from the pits. I do love to see those who can still hang mixing it up in a big ass circle pit. What I hate (and there's one at every show) is the asshole that wants to mosh 50 feet away from the pit. You know were pit is get in or stop moshing.