Old School gone Haywire

baldyboy said:
i'll start up a music related thread then.i understand where your coming fron though sixx.lots of threads not totally pertainig to the music as such.possibly its because this particular forum has,for me anyway,more of a personal community feel than other ones i've been on.more like a gathering of friends than just people switching on thier computers.i could of course,just be talking complete bollocks though.

just how it seems to me.

and i rather like it.
Great post and I agree 100%. I can see where Sixx is coming from if we were to sort of "forget" about the music posts as that is why we are here in the first place, but after being on newsgroups and message boards for over ten years I can tell you, they go through phases and get slow at times. Sometimes the "off-topic" stuff is the best way to keep them active. I can only praise Accept in so many posts before people start pulling their hair out. :loco:
