Old School Heavy Metal Fans - Cracked.com

96. You can no longer wait at a gig until 2am to see a particular band play a 30 minute set, drink 20 beers in the process, and then go to work the next morning.

Yep. (sigh)
43. When you first watched "The Decline of Western Civilisation:The Metal Years" back in the 80s you thought it was an excellent chronicle of metal, showing hot new up-and-coming bands who were destined to become the 'next big thing'.

44. You recently re-watched "The Decline of Western Civilisation:The Metal Years", and thanked god none of those bands made it, because you realise they were just a bunch of tossers

Ha ha ha...its funny coz its true.
30. You've had arguments with friends over which era of Sabbath was the best, and the Ian Gillan era never rates a mention.

Not true! I ALWAYS mention the Gillan era - short though it may be - and always mention the fact that Born Again was my first Sabbath album (on vinyl of course).
1. You're going out and you have to decide which of your 50 black T-shirts you're going to wear.

Not 50, but happens to me often.

42. You and your metalhead friends can pinpoint the precise time when Metallica started to suck, but it's different for all of you.

Sort of.

36. You can remember the 70s and 80s, and you were really there.


58. You remember when heavy metal singers could actually sing.


75. You've tried, but you still can't work out the difference between Swedish and Norwegian Death Metal.

Or any other DM for that matters.

84. You've replaced all your vinyl with CDs but still listen to the vinyl.

Sort of.

89. You have ever tried to draw a chart or family tree to explain to your friends the incestuous nature of the members of Deep Purple and their offshoot bands.

And Sabbath, and Dream Theater too.