Oldschool Chat

I'm usually on Austnet just chattin' in #LeatherBoyz with a couple of mates & a dude in my band... and #metalwarriors with some ppl I know. If I want mp3s I usually try Undernet and go in #hardrock&metalmp3 and #mp3hardrocksaloon :)
Trixxi Trash said:
I'm usually on Austnet just chattin' in #LeatherBoyz with a couple of mates & a dude in my band... and #metalwarriors with some ppl I know. If I want mp3s I usually try Undernet and go in #hardrock&metalmp3 and #mp3hardrocksaloon :)

I'v D/led from some dudes that came over from undernet boy they had shit I couldnt belive :grin: Are you there now? I could hop over to the other puter and fire up the ol mirc...... hahaha ofcourse I wouldnt want to keep you up to late :loco:
Yeah I'm about to head off to bed soon. It's 1:26am Saturday morning here heh, and I couldn't sleep last night at all (just lied in bed watching Motley & Van Halen's US Festival 83 sets on video haha) and then got up early coz I was bored when they finished so I'm a bit tired tonight!
Trixxi Trash said:
Yeah I'm about to head off to bed soon. It's 1:26am Saturday morning here heh, and I couldn't sleep last night at all (just lied in bed watching Motley & Van Halen's US Festival 83 sets on video haha) and then got up early coz I was bored when they finished so I'm a bit tired tonight!

I gotta go to bed soo to man its 9:32am here in another couple of hours I will have officially been awake for 36 hours lol I had to work last night 10 pm to 7 am and I had Band during the day so I was never able to get my sleep lol So yeah I'm pretty tired too

I poped my head in the #LeatherBoyz Channel for a sec so I know I can find it now :p
I attend #metalgospel at Zuh.net, on Friday 2 PM EST until the last one falls asleep. Today I was tired and I bail out early. Not exactly old school, very eclectic, crazy, metalheads we are there, but fell free to drop by any Friday.