Oldschool Horror flicks!


well, it appears that my 9 year old son, feels he's gettin' a bit too old for the trick or treatin'. I need some help picking out some oldschool horror flicks to watch with him on Halloween... Nothing too over the top, but something that will give him a little scare... I was thinkin' of some of the Friday the 13th movies... I think those are a bit too cheesey. I bought the Jeepers Creepers DVD tonight I have to bust that one open in the morning, while he's at school. Anway, what are some recommendations. I might go out and buy that Zombie movie, for the hell of it... It's kinda clean.
sixxswine said:
well, it appears that my 9 year old son, feels he's gettin' a bit too old for the trick or treatin'. I need some help picking out some oldschool horror flicks to watch with him on Halloween... Nothing too over the top, but something that will give him a little scare... I was thinkin' of some of the Friday the 13th movies... I think those are a bit too cheesey. I bought the Jeepers Creepers DVD tonight I have to bust that one open in the morning, while he's at school. Anway, what are some recommendations. I might go out and buy that Zombie movie, for the hell of it... It's kinda clean.

Well hmmmm When I was his age the first Nightmare on elm street scared the shit outa me :)
The Trooper said:
Put on Trick Or Treat! !!:rock:

And yeah, A Nightmare On Elm Street is probably the best choice I can think of!
I settled for the first Elm St. movie & the first Child's Play...
Those are pretty good one's for the youngsters...
I just about picked up the Manhunter movie, but I passed.
I haven't seen that 28 days later movie, but I think I will pick that one up.
Anyone seen that?
tedvanfrehley said:
I know I'm late on this recommendation but I have to mention this one. One of my favorites growing up and had a great soundtrack too. RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD. I think I first saw it at about age 10.
I had that one in my hands. I think it was only $6.00 & it was new! I will go back & track that one for myself. I also saw the Zombie movie for $19.00 & passed. I like some of the extras on that one, but I will hold off for a use copy...
I was just about to go down and watch my DVD of Trick or Treat, heh. I got my ROTLD DVD for $7 as well. Worth it just for Linnea Quigley's grave dance, though not recommended for kids. I know I'm late on this thread. I guess the old 50s classics are playing too lame for younger generations. The original Exoricst fucked me over as a kid and I ran to the priest begging forgiveness. Since it has a heavy metal character in it, you could try "The Gate." It's mild horror for a young kid and cheap at Wal Mart for $5.88.
The priest begging for forgiveness, I remember that too. I rented the movie 28 days later...

Let's just say, I am glad I didn't buy it. I did however buy the Red Dragon DVD while I was at the video place. I havne't watched it yet. I saw it when it was in the Theaters, but you know with all these DVD's they have a lot of cool extras...

Bro, I will also look into "The Gate." Thanks for the pick.
My pleasure, mang. The Gate has some pretty good F/X, at least from the 80s POV of F/X, and though the concept is cheesy, it's fairly-age appropriate.

I'm interested in seeing 28 Days Later, just never got to it. Red Dragon was great, in my opinion.
Saw 28 days later at pics - only lasted first 30 mins before I had to leave cos was so scared. Saw it again few weeks ago on dvd - the first 30 mins are the best - after that it just goes totally off the boil. Don't bother with it.