
Su Jacko

Jul 12, 2003
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I couldn't eat them at all and thought, eye eye these are supposed to be good for you and i'm going to enjoy them if it takes me a year. I started with green olives stuffed with garlic, go ed. Then moves onto just on their own. now, i'm loving them. :tickled:
Now I'm wondering if i can fool myself into olives maybe i'm some sort of Derren Brown...........

anyway, do you like olives? Have you made youself enjoy a certain food?
a friend of mine just asked me if you eat fresh olives, like from a tree, if they are poisonous. her brother says they are, and that that's why they put them in oil to establish some chemical process which makes them edible
anyone knows?

i love olives btw. green ones.
i love them, especially the black ones "a la greque"
straight from the jar, yes, and it's empty before you know it.

and then my stomach starts hurting :erk:
Su Jacko said:
Now I'm wondering if i can fool myself into olives maybe i'm some sort of Derren Brown...........



o_O o_O o_O o_O o_O o_O o_O o_O o_O o_O o_O
I went into 'Subway' today and asked for a foot long meatball :loco: i said to the guy serving me "the works please, apart from olives" yuk :yuk: they are fuckin horrible, but hey sue i like the way you have ventured away from your KFC special that time hahaahaha 4 portions of chips please mate :tickled: :tickled: god that was a funny moment.
Strangelight said:
I found out last week that A A Nemtheanga has only had 3 or 4 pints of Guinness ever. Shocking.

he looses his sinister mind control powers if he drinks too much stout and people see that hes derren brown o_O