
Strangelight said:
I found out last week that A A Nemtheanga has only had 3 or 4 pints of Guinness ever. Shocking.

Maybe that's why he can be in a very good shape, nice picture for an old man :cool:

And Dragonlady's a really good photographer.
I don't know anything about any of this, but if those two chappies in the photos aren't the same person, then something FUNNY's going on.

And olives are still devil poo. Yech.

Those "fish" things are cool, though. And that strange green paste.
It's nice to look at, but you wouldn't so want to slurp it up through your nose.
are we still on about olives?

The answer to discourageds questions is simple mayo simply bcos it tastes good on its own and tastes good with mustard in it and with ketchup in it.
siderea said:
a friend of mine just asked me if you eat fresh olives, like from a tree, if they are poisonous. her brother says they are, and that that's why they put them in oil to establish some chemical process which makes them edible
anyone knows?

i love olives btw. green ones.

Ian asks: I remember hearing an old wives tale that unripe olives are mildly poisonous. Is this true?

OOS Replies: unripe olives have bitter tannins which make them unpalatable but not poisonous. Birds and animals eat ripe olives with impunity. Humans usually prefer to have the tannins and astringent compounds removed with lye, brine or salt treatments. The "poisonous" chemicals are in the water soluble part of the olive. When olive oil is made, the water and pulp with these bitter chemicals are discarded and don't end up in the oil.