

What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Are any of you fishfuckers watching the Olympics? Some chick from my town just won a gold medal for the 100m hurdles.

my town > your town
Peter Forsberg lives closer to me (When he's at his birth home, that is) than Erik does, and my dad has played hockey against Dolph Lundgren. me>you
I watched some of the swimming and gymnastics. THat Carly Patterson is gonna be good looking when she's older, nice legs.
Man, I wanted Iraq in the finals. That would have outdone anything previously in the Olympics. Would have made a good documentary one day...still, if they beat Italy they can win the bronze.

Gotta say, some of the judging this year has been questionable.
Yeah KOR and JPN deserved gold in gymnastics.
France ruled 1st week at Fencing , Canoe and now suck as always .
I definitely think the SOuth Korean deserves a gold. But fuck that Russian bitch who's whining because she lost.
Maybe because the Chinese are human rights violators?
Awesome ancient thread, btw.
all this hoopla is actually just drawing more undeserved attention to the Olympics in China ... I mean i am going to watch now for possible live sabotage events.
Olympic Summer Games:
Athens 1896
Paris 1900
St Louis 1904
London 1908
Stockholm 1912
Antwerp 1920
Paris 1924
Amsterdam 1928
Los Angeles 1932
Berlin 1936
London 1948
Helsinki 1952
Melbourne / Stockholm 1956
Rome 1960
Tokyo 1964
Mexico 1968
Munich 1972
Montreal 1976
Moscow 1980
Los Angeles 1984
Seoul 1988
Barcelona 1992
Atlanta 1996
Sydney 2000
Athens 2004

stil boggles the mind how "Atlanta" snuck in there as an Olympic City :lol:

Jerry, care to tackle this subject? :loco:
I can shed some light on this Aurel.

Negars, the mephitic incarnation that you know today were seen by the Olympic advisory counsel as a threat to the execution of the 2004 games. In the darkness of their cavernous hearts they felt that these gnat housing knucklets were going to simply riot at the fact that no gymnast on the U.S team was of African American ancestry. Quite odd considering young females (known as niglets) are naturals at the "uneven bars". Come Olympic game time, all but one man on the counsel had a lump in his throat. This man was Arthur B. Reginald, Director of Anthropology at Newton Bridge University (SC). He knew the very mindset of the beast in which he was dealing with and sat idle as he watched his experiment unfold. It was a cloudless night, the firmament bore no Gibbous moon, only the soundscape of grunts bellowed by the knaves whose hide resembled the ashes of Aesirifoth! As the final tick of the countdown to the torch ceremony began, this professor's hypothesis became living, breathing, theory! The simian swine who were present at the festivities cowered before the torch that bore eternal flame. In servitude they bowed, wrist deep, to the concrete of consecration!

O' eternal flame give us our Gumbo!
Worship him!
Salvation eet be here!

They welped with the prophesies passed down by their Grand Poobah Porch Monkey Jeremitrius!!

At this very interval an explosion rocked Centennial Park, leaving no footage of these untamed beasts coming full circle to the servitude of their white overlords.

The work of Beijing operatives perhaps?!?