USA hockey out of contention

back to goalie wars:i picked up the latest copy of "goalies world" to check the latest standings. lundqvist is ranked 4th and vokoun ranked 6th. damned if i dont remember where niittiitmyaki was on the list (it definitely wasnt anywhere near the top or id remember) nor do i remember who was ranked #1. nice attention span i have.
all kinds o shit. "goalies world" rankings are considered the only ones that mean anything. for the record, because its a publication, its always a couple months behind. lundvist may very well be number #1 right now. we'll find out in the next issue probably.

edit: oh, i didnt answer the question haha - multiple attributes such as shots faced, games played, blah blah blah its absurdly statistical. its a neat magazine. check it out sometime.
oh, ok (re: the couple months thing)

I'm not going to say he IS the best goalie, but he's damned close. He's playing as well as anyone in the NHL, and has outdueled all the "greats" this year (Hasek, Brodeur, etc.). Both goalies on Carolina have been sick, too.
OH! that reminds me - hasek was #1. so there you go, its a little behind. curtis jospeh was 2nd or 3rd and hes slacked off as of late. brodeur wasnt even in the top 10.
MadeInNewJersey said:
Fresh? Or this was their 1st game as a team together in 19 days? I'd say the Flyers had the night before to shake off the rust whereas the Rangers dinnit.

Fresh in terms of rest. You can interperet it whatever way you want, but back to back games in the NHL is NEVER easy and the Devils aren't exactly creampuffs in the physical department. The Flyers were also without their leading goal scorer.

Look - yep the Rangers are surging, yep the Flyers are going through a rough stretch. But with over a quarter of the season still remaining there is flat out enough time to change things around. A hot team going into the playoffs means a hell of a lot more than a hot team that becomes a cold team with 10 games left or something going into the playoffs. Again, we'll see when the time is right, and as much as you like to think it is, that time is not here just yet. Come April, game on.
that was a tough loss for the Rangers last night, they played well, but Brodeur would not be denied. Strangely enough, Weekes was in net for the 2nd-straight game. WTF? Where was Lundqvist?

Anyway, at least Philly lost. AGAIN. ha ha ha, they're falling apart. Meanwhile, the dominating teams kept right on domination...Ottawa, Carolina, Detroit & Buffalo all won again. Jeez.