2006- Winter Olympics

in regards to canada's men's team losing, horribly (5th place) I knew it was going to happen. the team has never met before the games, they came to italy 2 days before their first game. and on a grand scale canadian olympic competitors get psyched out way too easy. it's not like the COC doesn't know about this either. they sent 12 sports psychologists (bad spelling :Smug: ) see the canadian women's curling team, bronze medal. at least our men's curling & women's hockey got gold. :erk: otherwise these olympics have been better than i thought they were going to be. and i don't know if i'm the only one like this, but i always want those really really underdog teams to do really well in something. but atlast mongolian cross country skier came in 86th
ptah knemu said:
If Atlantis still had people that were.... umm.... what's the word I'm lookin for..... umm...... Alive. Thats the word. If Atlantis still had people that were alive, we'd totally destroy everyone else in every single event.

I think Set Amentians would win. They destroyed Atlantis, and killed Ma'at.
We would utterly destroy you. :tickled: :Smug:

(actually atlantis destroyed themselves, but you know the story:Smug: )
Bode Miller was so overhyped. Just because he has this "bad boy" image he gets all this publicity. He could have at least backed that up with quality performance and gotten some credibility. But he was too busy "partying and enjoying the Italian night life" to care.

Speed skating was awesome. It was cool to see Apolo Anton Ohno win the gold in his last shot at the Olympics.

About skating, such a shame about Sasha Cohen. But she came back from 2 falls and won silver, which was nice. And Tanith Belman...siiiiiiiiigh...what a beauty! Fine Canadian export.

***BTW*** I was trying to find out for the longest time. Does anyone know what that song is that they always played as the Olympics were about to go to a commercial? They would play it when showing what was coming up. I don't know if it's a 2006 Torino theme or what. The part they always played began like this: D,A,D, G, F#, E, D, A, D, B, A... anyone know what I'm talking about? (I know, what a music geek question). It sounds John Williams-esque, and I love his style. If anyone knows, thanks.