I used DR strings for as long as i can remember. got some D'Addarios the other day, because the store was out of DRs. 10-52 or something and they're really good

My Dad got a set of Elixirs for his acoustic and they're apparently supposed to last for real long. they played really nice when I tried them the other day too, but they were damn expensive
i thought i broke my low C string the other day, i over did the whammy, came flying out the bridge and nearly killed me, got it back in now though

i've broke a high E once and an A string once but thats cos i was tune it to the A an octave higher than i should have, doh :p
lol I don't suck too bad at playing the guitar, but I'm such a fuckin noob when it comes to this kinda stuff....I Bought them and I still don't know how to put the suckers on my guitar. I put ith ''through'' the bridge, and now I must attach it to teh headstock. Thats the problem....when I stick the low E through and start spinning the thing....the string hasnt even spinned half way around the ''thingy'' and it seems that the string can break anytime....what the fuck. Looks like I'm gonna have to take it to my local shop and let the guy do it.
OMFG im such a n00b
BloodyScalpel said:
congratulations, it'll be the first of 2389273823872837283 e-strings you'll break...

In 2006.

I barely never ever break a string. I've gone for up to 6months without breaking or chaging a string. And yes, I practice a lot, so it's not due to lack of practice, I just take care of the strings and don't detune so much.