omg OMG OMFG omg shfksahf


beardy spice #3! take pictures of all bearded kayo doodz.

seriously, this is really cool! he's written a lot of interesting (looking, as i've not read them) books.
hah nice

keep in mind i don't have my digital camera for this parents borrowed it and went to f'in Italy. soooo someone else will have to be on picture duty! (or you'll have to hand me a disposable camera and instructions)
once i sent a friendster invitation to loren, and he mistakingly thought i was inviting him to be on a dating site with me. then he told me that i was fat too young for him and that he was already seeing someone else. bwaha!

we got that cleared up.
i hope.
you don't think that by me giving him chupacabras keychains with huge breasts, he won't misinterpret that as me wanting to show him my breasts, do you?

i'm sort of paranoid after that friendster misunderstanding.