on the flipside: post something you love that everyone will think is lame

haha greg, that's the only Smiths mp3 I have, actually (ok, so I could name one song...but I haven't listened to it yet) because i got sick of it coming up when doing kazaa searches for MOTW and just dled it.
Originally posted by xfer
I can't say I'm down with the Smiths. Maybe because I've always preferred the Cure, but my impression is SMITHS BLAH. But I can't even name a single Smiths song, so...

oh, yea... i'm not saying that i don't like the cure, because i do. i just think the smiths wrote some amazing pop tunes... whether you like them or not, that shit will stick in your head for days.
well...i just said The Smiths 'cause i know many people that hate them...people that say they're gays and stuff...but i realy don't care about that...

i have here ALL the songs from The Smiths and, maybe you're wrong...they don't have a song called "Late Night on Maudlin Street"...i supose it's a Morrissey song
i went on google images and saw the "maudlin of the well" demo that i would like to get.....

i really like tori amos.......

i also like the smiths.....

has anyone ever heard of " the poster children"?
i really really really like martha stuart and always have because she's pushy and awesome and makes cool stuff and whatever. and also, i have an intense like for eating onions as if they are apples, and i only know one other person who ever did this.
I'll have to go with the new B2K single.

There's this one part where the singer's just talking over drumless music - saying a bunch of really emo crap in a soft voice - and without warning, he intones the word "drums" and the drums come back in with a funky beat seemingly at his command.

Oh... And RUSH!!!
Originally posted by xfer
dude, josh TOTALLY has a sense of humor!

josh, shmosh.

also... can/should i bring myself to watch Stuart Little?
