Post something you think sucks that everyone will think you're dumb for hating here.

Dave Matthew's Band - I just don't think they are as good as people always say. I mean, I can enjoy some of their songs from time to time, but it seems that everyone I know just thinks they are the greatest musical act of all time...and I simply don't agree.

On a similar note, has anyone here heard of the band Of A Revolution (OAR for those "in the know")? I had never heard of them until I got to college, and here it seemed everyone thinks they are amazing. From what I've heard I can't fucking stand them. Apparently they are popular in the northeast more than elsewhere, since the majority of the people here hail from the northeast and since nobody from my hometown has ever heard of them. So there's always either Dave Matthews or OAR being played somewhere, and that just sucks.
Yeah, I wasn't too worried about it here. I was thinking of "everyone" in the more general sense. Even though this message board is a world of its own.
I listened to Neurosis for the first time at any great length recently and I realized that I only like one song of theirs (the last track on "A Sun That Never Sets") from their doom-y period. I don't really think their last couple albums are all that hot. I liked them better when they were a crusty punk band with melodic bass playing.
Black Metal.
Those shitty bands that call their rambling bullshit music; The Strokes, The Vines, The White Stripes, The Hives, etc.
Death metal that's so fucking cliched it makes me gag. "Bleed for Jesus on the cross, sacrifice life - all is lost. Satan is the only way, rape more children, its hell's day. Fuck my parents, fuck the law. Tear up corpses with chainsaws. Yadda yadda."

Any combination of the above.

Blast beats.
Goths that take an hour in the bathroom to look depressed, and say they do it to be an individual and be original, when all of the other goths look exactly like them.
Middle aged people in bands writing about highschool depression. *cough* Korn *cough*
Fubu clothes.
The huge rip on my leather chair.
The fact that I forgot this is a list of things I hate, that people should disagree with me on.
CD prices.
Radiohead and Coldplay.
Columbia House's return policy.
Whoever said that the hardcore/metalcore scene is better than metal right now. Everything that DEP, Converge, and Meshuggah have ever done put together can't compare to the one song I heard on the new Opeth cd Deliverance. Granted Shai Hulud isn't that bad, and some Emocore bands kind of got my attention like Hopesfall and older Poison the Well.
it sucks that i'm not like totally bitter. like, there's things that make me sad or upset every once in a while but i dont really hate.
no, no, no.

every board i've seen has a million threads like "what do you think rocks that everyone else think sucks?!". so i wanted to do the reverse. what's something you think sucks that you honestly think no one else on this board will agree with you on, and will make fun of you for disliking?

(but we do have a thread where you can post stuff you like that everyone else hates, anyway)