On the search for quality rap.

Holy balls, I remember him. After his 10th album (and expected return from retirement) he sounded like everyone else though.
immortal technique has the most boring production ever.

everyone lord of metal recommended is good.

also Aesop Rock, El-P, Cannibal Ox, Cage, and pretty much everything Def Jux puts out.

Jedi Mind Tricks, you probably only need Violent by Design...and one track off the new one "Uncommon Valour" where RA the Rugged Man spits the most ridiculous verse of 2006. It's a true story about his father's experiences in Vietnam.

You metal heads will probably dig the Nonphixion crew...Ill Bill, Necro, Goretex, since they are all metal heads and have tons of metal references and collaborations with metal bands and most of their lyrics and horror-porn related.

MF Doom of course, Madvillany and Danger Doom for you Adult Swim fans.

tons of good stuff out there, you just need to know where to look.