One ignorant finn in desperate need of Without Face -info


Damage Driven Creep
Aug 6, 2001
Who actually played on Deep Inside? I just came from a record store with the Dark Symphonies -version of the cd, but it only presents the current line-up and I was under the impression that it was different when the record was originally recorded.

Since this information seemed to be impossible to find for me, I thought I'd post this question here instead of e-mail.

By the way, the mp3-song you had on your web-page under the name of I And I was in fact The Picture...(?) (and I thought the lyrics were hard to follow. :D ) I guess this doesn't matter any more since the songs have been taken down, but anyway...

Hey Lassi, .)
the line-up on Deep Inside was the following:

Anett Balássi - vocals
András Szabó- vocals
Zsolt Horváth(Roomy) - guitars
Peter Inotai Incho - guitars
Peter Sütõ - drums
Kyrah Németh - keyboard
Berci Temesi - bass

anyway, you can find the ex-members in the booklet of the DS Deep Inside also, just take a look at it again:)
