Only yourself when you're drunk..


Nov 1, 2009
Does anyone else feel this way?
I wish I could lose a little bit of my inhibitions when I was sober..

I love the feeling of a little bit of lost inhibitions.
Under any other circumstances, you'd have the common sense to know that what you're doing is a bad idea, or you have your inhibitions keeping you from doing it - it's like girls on halloween. They know that dressing up as a slutty nun is a terrible idea, but it's halloween.
i wouldnt say drunk haha, but deffinitly tipsy yea.

im pretty uptight and tend to think wayyyy to much. so when i drink i kinda just let loose, dont think ahead, just do whatever.

but when i get drunk....i just talk about how small my penis is and how good i am at guitar hero.

not good lol
I got drunk on Friday and I forgot all about my troubles, was scheming on girls, and was loud and carefree. Right now I'm sober, bitter, self conscious and quiet. I don't know which is the real Tony.
I have moderate social anxiety which means I can't stand being near people, however after a few drinks, while I am still quite introverted, I am much more comfortable and much more carefree. Yea if we could be that way sober.
Yeah, this pretty much sums me up, too. I'm not much of a socialite, but when I do go to parties, being drunk makes things a lot easier.
This is funny - I'm a total extrovert, social butterfly, douchebag, what have you... I'm a pretty reserved but affectionate drunk, unless I'm at a total rager in which case I act accordingly.
I'm with you guys.
I guess I didn't really mean drunk, but tipsy. Haha.

If I could walk around a little bit tipsy every single day, I would be the happiest guy on earth. :)
The fact that you need to ingest a substance to "be yourself" is quite the opposite of being yourself.

Just stop being what you don't want to be and be what you want to be... it really isn't that hard people.

Life is too short to be worrying about this kind of shit anyway... just do your thing and try to enjoy as much of it along the way.

HOWEVER, occasionally I like to get fucked on whiskey and screw until I pass out...
It honestly depends on the situation for me. When I'm amongst close friends its kinda like being a little tipsy, I lose my inhibitions substantially and can make people laugh to tears.. whereas if I'm not really comfortable with the people I'm around I'm quite withdrawn and shy.. and boring. Alcohol helps, but obviously not in every situation.. otherwise I really have to force myself to just not care what others think.
I'm like Jim Carrey in the Mask, with booze being my Mask. By day I'm normal shmuck with a crappy job, and at night I'm a green faced maniac.

I'm never any sort of life or party starter, but when the party is already on, I will destroy it....either in a good or bad way haha.

Shortly after that I'm trying to fight you.
Sober: Quiet, reserved, observant, self conscious a fair bit.
High: Creative, more outgoing, less self conscious, interest in guitar at it's prime, "THERE IS NO SPOON.."
Drunk: Very outgoing, talkative, life of the party, kind of stupid but could care less
Hangover: NEED.. WATER..