Hah, awesome video if you ask me Superficial? Childish? Maybe, but who cares, it's really well done.
Anyone else who liked the "angel" more than the brunette?
Oh yeh, the feathers thing was really lame. It looked like they where eating hens or pillows...EATIN' FEATHERS IS EVIL YO!
Oh come on if it's tits you want then you can have the fatty
Some of you guys take this way to seriously :Smug:
hahaha. Compared to what? Spending probably thousands of pounds/euros/dollars to basically say "hey xtianzzzz weszo disagreez lolllerzz cockmunch!"
It's just theatrics, it's not like they walk around like that all the time
If a label would pay your music video, why wouldn't you take advantage of that?
I fucking LOVE this band.
Some of you guys take this way to seriously :Smug:
Okay, I'll take the stick out my ass as soon as you put a cock in yours
hahaha. Compared to what? Spending probably thousands of pounds/euros/dollars to basically say "hey xtianzzzz weszo disagreez lolllerzz cockmunch!"