
I think its called the Price of Beauty or some shit like that... something about "beauty" anyways.
I dont see whats evil about it at all. Bunch of dudes put on makeup and eat feathers? As I said the imagery is lost on me, and the music has never jumped out at me. And that plastic mask, what! the! fuck! But atleast its metal dudes makin' these bigger budget clips and not clapcore wannabee's :rock:
As so often happens with this kind of thing, there actually an all right treatment in there - and then someone in marketing went "... and we can randomly cut to the band playing! Somewhere where people don't play in real life!". The shots of the band in the desert are A) completely pointless and B) very very obviously tacked on as an afterthought. They're blatantly shot on different cameras, they style doesn't quite match, etc... I'm guessing someone at the label wanted them added in. In the end it wrecks the tone of the video - all the makeup and leather works fine in the context of the plot (I use the term loosely), but on guys standing in a chroma-keyed backdrop it's just unbelievably camp. If the desert shots didn't have all the cliches they'd look much better (and more "metal"), and it would provide a bigger contrast to the rest of the video - which would also stop those shots taking away from the impact of the plot scenes. It also contains one of my biggest music video peeves - slow-motion shots of the band playing in a video for the song, where it will obviously be playing at normal speed. What fucking moron thinks that's a good idea? Seriously?

Other than that, putting naked chicks in videos is just stupid - it's guaranteed to either get cut or get the video banned. It serves very little point artistically in most cases - it's literally just there to help the video gain notoriety ; it just makes all the rebelling 12-year-old kids feel a little bit more like they're breaking the rules when they see it. You could make those scenes without the nudity and it would make no difference thematically. It annoys me that bands/labels/whoever think that that's all it takes to seem edgy, and it's embarrassing that it seems to work - anyone remember the video for Satyricon's "Fuel For Hatred"? As with so many things at the moment, the only band I can think of that don't assume all their fans are testosterone-fueled idiots is Gojira, and even they get stuck having to "play" the songs in ridiculous locations. Video should be a fucking awesome medium for metal - there's so much scope for it, way more so than in pop/chart music. But it's always the same fucking cliches over and over.

It's not big budget either - it looks like it was shot in HD, which instantly makes things looks more expensive. There's one location scene and two green-screened bits, two actresses/models and a few extras. The CG looks dodgy because it will have been done quickly (Hell, there's like three copies of the same building at one point) - and it's far cheaper than trying to find a location like that where they could shoot.

And as for the blood thing - Christ, it sounds like none of you people gone out with a girl for long enough to wake up with half her period smeared across your leg.


Nicely put dude.

I seriously don't get this fucken black/folk metal, whatever you wanna call it. IT'S SO LAME!

I used to hang out with a bunch of guys that listened to nothing but the cheesiest power metal, like Manowar, Black Metal and Death Metal. And all these guys think they're all a bunch of bad asses and any other band that doesn't get classed into this genre, are for pussies. I'm sorry but Pantera was a lot heavier than any of these gay black metal bands that just alternate pick power chords. LOL, Why do people think that because they listen to the most "BRUTAL" music that it makes them badass. Seriously? I don't get it.

I mean, the Behemoth song isn't bad, but the video???? It just boggles my mind.

And don't even get me started on that fucken Immortal video lol. There is no way those guys can be serious about that video, and if they are.....I don't even know what to say to that lol.

There is nothing "BRUTAL" about alternate picking a bunch of power chords that sound like complete shit. I don't get how people think it's heavy or evil haha.
Seriously the most mainstream metal bands can make heavier riffs than that shit.

Sorry guys, I'm kinda drunk, and the whole black metal scene pisses me off. Not so much the music, it's the people who listen to these bands and think because they listen to this dark satanic music, that they are bad ass. And for some reason, these people are the most narrow minded people, and think that all other music is for pussies.

Anyway, I know some people will take offense to this but whatever, deal with it.

And if you do listen to Black metal and you don't act like a complete tool when it comes to other genres of music, I apologize. Obviously not everyone that listens to black metal are retarded.......just the few that I have come to know, and I know there are lots more out there like this.
As so often happens with this kind of thing, there actually an all right treatment in there - and then someone in marketing went "... and we can randomly cut to the band playing! Somewhere where people don't play in real life!". The shots of the band in the desert are A) completely pointless and B) very very obviously tacked on as an afterthought. They're blatantly shot on different cameras, they style doesn't quite match, etc... I'm guessing someone at the label wanted them added in. In the end it wrecks the tone of the video - all the makeup and leather works fine in the context of the plot (I use the term loosely), but on guys standing in a chroma-keyed backdrop it's just unbelievably camp. If the desert shots didn't have all the cliches they'd look much better (and more "metal"), and it would provide a bigger contrast to the rest of the video - which would also stop those shots taking away from the impact of the plot scenes. It also contains one of my biggest music video peeves - slow-motion shots of the band playing in a video for the song, where it will obviously be playing at normal speed. What fucking moron thinks that's a good idea? Seriously?

Other than that, putting naked chicks in videos is just stupid - it's guaranteed to either get cut or get the video banned. It serves very little point artistically in most cases - it's literally just there to help the video gain notoriety ; it just makes all the rebelling 12-year-old kids feel a little bit more like they're breaking the rules when they see it. You could make those scenes without the nudity and it would make no difference thematically. It annoys me that bands/labels/whoever think that that's all it takes to seem edgy, and it's embarrassing that it seems to work - anyone remember the video for Satyricon's "Fuel For Hatred"? As with so many things at the moment, the only band I can think of that don't assume all their fans are testosterone-fueled idiots is Gojira, and even they get stuck having to "play" the songs in ridiculous locations. Video should be a fucking awesome medium for metal - there's so much scope for it, way more so than in pop/chart music. But it's always the same fucking cliches over and over.

It's not big budget either - it looks like it was shot in HD, which instantly makes things looks more expensive. There's one location scene and two green-screened bits, two actresses/models and a few extras. The CG looks dodgy because it will have been done quickly (Hell, there's like three copies of the same building at one point) - and it's far cheaper than trying to find a location like that where they could shoot.

And as for the blood thing - Christ, it sounds like none of you people gone out with a girl for long enough to wake up with half her period smeared across your leg.


ok man you seem to know what you are talking about but I dont see you mentioning a video that can confront that.Plz ,take the time and add some videoclips that you think are greater that this one.And we are talking of course productionwise.
relax guys, since Nergal start dating with polish pop star next album will be "Easy listening" and there will be nothing to shock you on the videos besides of bunch of half naked busty women and his face make'up will transform from "deep black" into "sweet purple" xD
Is it just me or did a lot of people come out of the woodwork just to be retarded for the sake of this thread? Do you guys even know what's happening out there musically at the moment? The fact that a band like Behemoth can even finance a video is a godsend, much less that they have the persistence to keep being over-the-top, theatrical with their music for so long. These guys have the right idea about metal; do what you do WELL, do it right, and just shove it up everyone's ass as offensively as possible.

What exactly is the benchmark? What are we comparing to? Does Nergal need to get some gold teeth, singlet, paint himself black and start rapping while money falls from the sky? Perhaps get a fringe cut and slam dance like a downey tard who somehow scored a Schecter endorsement off his disability pension?

Maybe some of you armchair producers need to get up and out there and show us how it's supposed to be done, eh.
Thats right.Thats some serious talking .In my opinion this video is way better than any other pop videos and rock videos nowadays.And to anyone of you talking shit about this vid.Isnt it about time you post a better one video ???????
What are we comparing to? Does Nergal need to get some gold teeth, singlet, paint himself black and start rapping while money falls from the sky? Perhaps get a fringe cut and slam dance like a downey tard who somehow scored a Schecter endorsement off his disability pension?
^ :lol:

I'm happy they're making a good video for crushing music and not for something like Cradle of Filth's crap.
Is it just me or did a lot of people come out of the woodwork just to be retarded for the sake of this thread? Do you guys even know what's happening out there musically at the moment? The fact that a band like Behemoth can even finance a video is a godsend, much less that they have the persistence to keep being over-the-top, theatrical with their music for so long. These guys have the right idea about metal; do what you do WELL, do it right, and just shove it up everyone's ass as offensively as possible.

I'm with Ermz on this one - I'm of the mindset that the fact that a metal band is out there doing what they do and doing what they do well, staying true to their original intent, staying theatrical if that's their thing, hell staying whatever if that's their thing is a great thing for metal. I like bands that are willing to take chances on either side of things - if a band sticks with something that's pretty tried and true for them - why change? Do whatever you do well and leave it at that.
kenfobert, I can only hope you can see the irony in your post, mainly in the fact that you're criticizing people for taking this stuff too seriously, when clearly that doesn't apply to ANYONE who has posted here in approval of this vid (for the third time, we like it for the theatrics and atmosphere), yet apparently it bothered you that much that you decided to write a fucking massive multi-stanza post bitching and moaning about it. Now who's taking it too seriously? :goggly:

this is where you are typing

metal is meant to be unpleasant in some way shape or form

grow a pair

P.S. i guess i'm a bit late posting here, this is more directed towards people earlier on in the thread

kenfobert, I can only hope you can see the irony in your post, mainly in the fact that you're criticizing people for taking this stuff too seriously, when clearly that doesn't apply to ANYONE who has posted here in approval of this vid (for the third time, we like it for the theatrics and atmosphere), yet apparently it bothered you that much that you decided to write a fucking massive multi-stanza post bitching and moaning about it. Now who's taking it too seriously? :goggly:


Some angry fanboys in this thread. Plot and concept still suck. Seriously, did some teenager write the script? Visually it's pretty good.
Not sure if that was in part referring to me, but I wouldn't consider myself an angry fanboy; more like a fanboy wondering why everyone else is getting so bent outta shape by this :goggly:
Not sure if that was in part referring to me, but I wouldn't consider myself an angry fanboy; more like a fanboy wondering why everyone else is getting so bent outta shape by this :goggly:

Actually meant the "defenders of metal" guys who posted after Suicide_as_Alibi. It's nice that Behemoth had a big budget for the video and are succesfull and all, but why couldn't metal videos be a bit more intelligent?