I do like Behemoth, but I can't get to fully tolerate the vocals. I love growled vocals and harsh vocals, but Behemoth's vocals sound like he was suffering while he sings (which may be the idea), and I can't quite get used to that :/
songs about how brutal you are, and casting spells and all that gay shit was only cool in the 90`s. Im so sick of all these shitty bands trying to scare me. Its not real... you are a geek who lives in your moms basement lol
im on ultimate metal forum right now and people are posting like they've never seen this kind of stuff. calling it "juvenille" and "childish". I dind't know kids were into this kind of dark stuff. This video was epic. Im not even a fan of the band. also, cant believe some thought the angel chick was hot. disgusting in my opinion.
im on ultimate metal forum right now and people are posting like they've never seen this kind of stuff. calling it "juvenille" and "childish". I dind't know kids were into this kind of dark stuff. This video was epic. Im not even a fan of the band. also, cant believe some thought the angel chick was hot. disgusting in my opinion.

I know right. Stuff is pretty tame really. And compared to the "torture horror" or recent style of horror films, this vid is really, really, really, really tame.
The vid does look very slick and well produced. Heavy song as usual too.
songs about how brutal you are, and casting spells and all that gay shit was only cool in the 90`s. Im so sick of all these shitty bands trying to scare me. Its not real... you are a geek who lives in your moms basement lol

You've got it all wrong dude, they never sing about how brutal they are, it's just like an awesome horror movie or something, all theatrics as has already been said! (and personally, I love the evil atmosphere, cuz they capture it so well - FWIW I hate most lyrics that are too literal about the mundane drudgeries of real life, I listen to music as an escape :rock: )
Oh yea crabcore and all this other shit is so much better, lets sling our guitars around in unison , That's gay. Behemoth have always been this way,just fucking killing it. The video is not sick or twisted, it's no different than any of their videos.
Oh yea crabcore and all this other shit is so much better, lets sling our guitars around in unison , That's gay. Behemoth have always been this way,just fucking killing it. The video is not sick or twisted, it's no different than any of their videos.

Did you just compare Behemoth with Attack Attack! ? :Smug:
Dude, Suicide Silence has a more brutal video... although its not better, just saying.

Its not THAT over the top.

BTW, Suicide Silence sucks... just wanted to add that
Love the video, love the band, love the song, love the sound. Well done, Behemoth! :-)