Oops...(Or: WHY never to trust a travel agent straight up!!!) Oh boy...


safe in the cornfields
Ok! I'm in Finland!!!!!!!!


Yes. It seems that when I had asked about back in June about my strange looking itenary, I decided to double check with my travel agent to make SURE my flight was round trip from helsinki. he told me 'yes.' SO, rather than trust the paper(and printout mistakes happen), I trusted him.

So i get to the airport early this morning, I guess I had to cos since there wasnt a time for my Helsinki flight leaving I had to get it squared away here. Yeah, maybe I should have double double checked, but the dude SAID it was O K. So when I get to the airport, they say that I don't have a flight to Amsterdam on KLM.

KLM Lady: Well, no, it wasn't included...

Me: erm, yeah, the travel agent said it was...

KLM Lady: No, unfourtanetly you'll have to buy a ticket. And our flight to Amsterdam left at 6.15 this morning. Our next doesn't leave till 1.15, and you won't make your NYC flight in time. And the remaining tickets we have are all expensive...

Me: (trying to start to look pathetic): Isn't there ANYTHING you can do?

KLM lady: Sadly, no, this is your travel agen't responsibility.

Me: (plotting demise of a certain travel agent in Philly in my head): Ok, so wait, I gotta take it up with them...(i find out they said take it up with KLM...so fuck that again) is there ANYTHING i can do?

KLM lady: Well, Blue1(SAS derivative) has cheap flights to Amstedam! You can talk to them, because their flight leaves at 10.50 am, and it will get you there in time.

Me: (planning a huge waterworks show for the Blue1 lady next door to feel bad for the poor, broke, hungover, pathetic American girl and stick me on the flight, i had some time) Ok! i'll try it.

Now, keep in mind during this movie like scenario, I am mulling over in my head my situation. My phone chip ran out so I can only accept texts and calls, not give them, unless they are collect, and I dind't know how to cal collect from a cel. My bank card didn't work because apparently there were a lot of bank fees, and they thought that my card was stolen because they came from Helsinki, so for my protection, the froze my account. Yay. I had 10 euro cents to my name, 15 bucks in american money...but in CHANGE that they didn't take. I had been away nearly 2 days and running around with 25 kilos of crap for a few hours. I hadn't eaten all day. I think I was ready to pull it off. If I HAD to i prolly could have set something up with the bank whatnot to let me buy the cheap Blue1 ticket if they didnt feel bad for me. I have no dignity at this point.

Me: (standing in line at Blue1) waiting.....

There was a guy at the front that was takin FOREVER. Ten....20.....25...mins....ok, I now have 25 mins to catch this flight...and there is STILL another guy in front of me. The guy at the front FINALLY gets done....as the flight says *boarding.* The second guy didnt take forever...they had one window open, but at that point, those words 'final call' went up, and I knew I was indeed screwed. Thank you random Philly travel agent for fucking me in the ass with a metal pole.

So, i sit down in utter defeat and smoke a couple ciggs, and finally convince someone to let me use their phone to text one of my many buddies here, and a couple got back to me and totally helped me out by picking me up from the airport, and they couldnt believe the travel agent. Totally helpful they hooked me up a bit, and I managed to get some cash wired over from home, and I shall be askin a couple other folks for help....and I got the DJ gig here, so I'll be workin to get my way home. it's either a cheapass direct Iceland Air or Finnair flight, but i may be able to get away with a paltry 200 euro exchange fee at the travel agency to swap it for another ticket.

So, at any rate, i'm in Finland at least another week(my Espoo friend once again saving my ass and letting me stay, another one of those top tier Finland friends that i have), and I suppose i learned...never trust a travel agent straight up, trust your eyes more!!! Arg. Well, hell. At least i'll have at least another week of stories to tell ya all. And i guess I can say that I guess I am meant to stay eventually cos the country didn't wanna let me go home!!!

My Finnish buddies that read this, PM me!!! Til i get my phone chip recharged...

And of course, I recall a story told to me at Nosturi a couple weeks back about missing flights. I recall saying something along the lines of 'man, that's suck if it happened to me!' Well, hell, i think i jinxed myself :lol: But i can laugh at this. I ain't helpless and i got some cash an everything, so I can do it. :) And i look at it as another week or two to party!
that sounds bad :/ hope it works out better from now on

besides hey cheer up, you get to stay one more week there and your 2.5 month "visit" to the us will be the same period shorter ;)
fuck up the travel agent....and although the whole thing seems to suck....atleast youre not in the states which is a good thing
Oh, that travel agent is getting a broken 40 shoved up his ass when i get back to Philly.

Yeah Zsu, I think I am gonna need to Corner tomorrow. I cant buy much but i am going into the city to first pick up my cash, talk to the travel agency and see what they can do then drop by the Rock Bar and get more DJ gigs set up. But i will have enough for a couple beers and allo of that, so I'll be ok, and i got some more cash comin too, so I will be quite alright. Gonna recharge my phone, too.

Actually, like i said, I just laugh now. I guess stuff happens for a reason and I guess I was meant to stay in Finland awhile longer! I'll find out why soon enough i guess! And yeah, my waiting period in the US WILL be a bit shorter!
Fenrir13 said:
Yeah Zsu, I think I am gonna need to Corner tomorrow. I cant buy much but i am going into the city to first pick up my cash, talk to the travel agency and see what they can do then drop by the Rock Bar and get more DJ gigs set up. But i will have enough for a couple beers and allo of that, so I'll be ok, and i got some more cash comin too, so I will be quite alright. Gonna recharge my phone, too.

Sent you an sms a minute ago but if ya check this thing you can answer here as well.
When should we meet up @ Corner? (definitely sometime before the doorman comes at least ;) I don't wanna waste money on that) :p
Didn't see that comin'.... :rolleyes:

Just make sure you get your tiny little butt out of there before your sheng(e/a)n visa runs out (3 months?) assuming that's all you went over there with......

....things start to get rather difficult after that (the getting home side of things).
Oh tal, what the fuck?!?! I guess there's someone dieing within the next few weeks...... but now you have "another night out on the the streets....".... make the best out of it (like always ;))
Oh, i'll be makin the best of it, that's for sure! I mean, like i said, it's fucked up,a nd yeah, I am charging into the travel agency in my full camo, a shotgun and stick of dynamite, but still, I mean, I guess it's better than getting stuck somewhere like Zimbabwe or something. :lol: If i am gonna be stuck, might as well be where i am happy, yanno? Like i said, shit happens for a reason!
Well, what i think is that god meant for you not to get on the plane and maybe stay in the best place ever for another week, so just relax, and get shit settled. did that plane crash?
thatd be funny
Hehe, of course that sucks, they didn't wanna let you go indeed...But it can't be that bad to stay one week longer in Hellsinki, and you'll get along that's for sure. You know I envy you !!! Party and drink for me too, and greetz to all I know !
*HUGS* Heh...might be more than a week by the look of it! By the looks of things I'll be heading back to the states early October. I did however promise I'd be there for Bodom's two Philly dates and the use of my house for the afterparty(first night's show cos the band will still be here) so I kinda have to be back before then ;) So it looks like another, ahh, 12-14 days or so I'll be here.

I still have my DJ job, so I'll be doin that, and i might be able to find some other stuff to do. Drinking is cheap cos of the DJ job, i can drink while i 'work', and then dont have to barely buy booze end of night, groceries are cheap, and with the little job and a loan I'll be set. What I might do is either do the 200 euro exchange, or if i can,t but the cheapest flight to NYC I can. BUT...I'll buy or exchange round trip(cheaper), and set the return for sometime early December. That way, i won't have to buy my plane ticket BACK when i move, and i SAVE money! Whattaya know about that!!!! :D

Ahh, it ain't so bad. I mean, I am gonna try to hit back before October, but first week of Oct is what its looking like more than likely. I don't wanna stick around TOO long cos I do have stuff to square away but i'll be ok!!!

Man, was drinkin with Zsuzsa and Routa tonite(Routa-Finntroll) and he was tellin some fucking hilarious stories about the Swedish tour....:lol: