open guitar tunings being used for next album

it's just notes after all, how you use them is what matters. writing Demon or Blackwater Park in drop-d didn't make them sound nu-metal, nothing in music is inherently one type or another

actually I was screwing around with open d last night after I read this post, you can get some weird sounds out of it, which is a lot of what opeth is about.

plus look at groups like godspeed you black emperor and the unique tunings they use, makes for some amazing chords and passages.
When I think open-tuning I think of slide guitar. I also think of the Black F'ing Crows who did that on almost every tune so a guy with a stump arm and only a thumb on the other hand could play the rythem tracks.

Open tuning is simply tuning the guitar to the main chord without any fretting whatsoever.

Knowing Opeth's sound though, I hardly think this will be a "dumbing down" of the music. I see it as just another experiment that will allow Mike to find new ways to sound fresh and keep him "interested".

As a guitarist, sometimes you find yourself following the same patterns around the neck out of habit. A different tuningoften forces you to do new things even if your fingers want to do the same thing.

Sounds interesting. Can't wait to see how it turns out.
i agree with your last statement antichrist.....i have fooled around with open tunings before...i just play what i would normally play, but with a different tuning....every once in a while i stumble upon something pretty cool.