Open your eyes


Dec 14, 2003
Brookfield, VIC, Australia
I have been reading posts within UM for a while now, only now have i tried to log on because i thought all of you who flamed the member asking for help with bands a couple posts down should realy think what you have done.
This kid who has found an awsome band has decided that there just might be better bands out there, and he came to this board for help. instead of helping the poor soul, you flamed him and told him to get fuck. well FUCK YOU. he has tried to find better music, and you did no good. Do you wander why people stay away from metal? they cant find the bands they like, i know, ive been there, im sure you have too. next time, just help. if he finds a good band, it will benifit him and the band.
I realy cant believe ppl.
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This is not charity pal ... Don't ruffle my feathers with yr big "we are not helping this kid.... " rhetoric. Last we need, is hippy hop happy korn fans to support this music.
Second eveybody on this board pretty much loath nu-metal so if you come here and say that yr fav bands and musicians are all nu-metal, you will get flamed ... like it or not.
On top of that if you say you "sorta" like death metal but aren't much into the growling,.. like this guy mentioned, then you will for sure be flamed.
Whatever then. But if Korn is his thing and you dont like them, maybee you should be letting him know of bands that you do like that he will find better then Korn, dont you think.
I know this is a big issue on this board, i just think we shouldn't be so narrow minded about it when ppl ASK for YOUR ADVICE!
Wajt the fucck are you talking about ,dude? I'm not talking about people who built the railroads here ,dude. I'm talking about drawing a line in tje sand.

I drnk a lot a wine tonight because
i am celebrating Yule, godamnit. Dec. 14 is the day Odin gave us to breathe. Fuck xianity becuase I hate egotism. I am working on the dorian mode of the hindo scale and it is cool. Havre you heard of Shiner Winter brew? It is a dunkelweissen on you arse. Fuck it , my wife is mad at me . I am going to go eat some bread.
Would anyone like to heare my new band , Ancient Remains, I wiull have a demo soon. It is almost as cool as War and POeace, but ewhaty , that is goiung to far. Tolstoy is God, well, one of the ones living off Hugo, Zola, anmd Dosteyovsky. Let us refer to hugo;'s Les Misera;l as the Good Book and leave it at hat. When I'm not so drunk I will post Ancient Reamains? web site you mother fuckers.
Funny, I didn't see you helping him out any.

i refuse to make any attempt to help these nu-metal guys learn the ways of death/black metal cuz i dont wanna go to a show one day just to see a bunch of fags bouncing and around and "Throw them bows" like a chicken. this is metal not hee haw.
AxeOfDarkness said:

i refuse to make any attempt to help these nu-metal guys learn the ways of death/black metal cuz i dont wanna go to a show one day just to see a bunch of fags bouncing and around and "Throw them bows" like a chicken. this is metal not hee haw.

Better yet throw some sort of gang/wigger signs. Got to love those creative wiggers.
C'mon, men! But really we are at this point?!? My fave band is more brutal than the one you like?!? Ive thought these things were for crazy teenagers!
So, can anyone remember getting help when they were younger to become who they are now? I know I got no help. They way I see it, if you were ment to be someone, you will be them, with or without help from others.
Eire said:
So, can anyone remember getting help when they were younger to become who they are now? I know I got no help. They way I see it, if you were ment to be someone, you will be them, with or without help from others.
agreed you will become who you are from your actions and reactions and the lessons learned from them. the whole reason we have the pop genre is because some people are followers. great job people.
I think its Ironic how someone came on here just to have a go at the majority of the members on this forum for flaming a fag who doesn't like the growls in death metal, yet wants to know of and learn about more bands, and then he starts getting flamed himself.
I received something in my profile thing saying "latest reputation" with someone saying
"anyone who doesn't like growls immediately is automatically a fag? you really must have an IQ of 50 to be so closed minded, sometimes im embarrased to listen to the same kind of music as you types SV"

What the hell is that? And what i meant is that it seems just a tad strange that a person wants to find good Death metal bands but yet he doesn't like singing?
PaganThunder said:
I received something in my profile thing saying "latest reputation" with someone saying
"anyone who doesn't like growls immediately is automatically a fag? you really must have an IQ of 50 to be so closed minded, sometimes im embarrased to listen to the same kind of music as you types SV"

What the hell is that? And what i meant is that it seems just a tad strange that a person wants to find good Death metal bands but yet he doesn't like singing?

I don't know if I can talk with you any longer. I mean your reputation is going down the shitter man. Better watch it or the kids will not only grade u on your posts but will also report u to higher authorities.
if someone wants to get into proper metal then they can do it on their own, i did and im sure most of the people on UM did. If you really want to get into something, then you shouldnt need help, you should be determined enough to find out stuff on your own. I mean if you're on this website, all you gotta do is look at the band survivor threads etc... to see what bands everyone on here raves about and just check them out