Opening Deilverance Riff Question

Umm. Could anyone post a (short) tab of which riff you're talking about? (Yeah, there is more than one guitar in the intro)

I haven't had any trouble whatsoever with that riff, and I'm a bad guitar player. No, really, I'm new... We can't be thinking about the same riff :erk:

Edit: Hmm after re-reading I guess you mean the faster one after all. As if the chorus-y riff isn't dissonant enough :p
If it's peter's part then it looks like he's doing it all downstrokes, but I personally find it so much easier to alternate. Is everyone talking about the low E, A sharp, E chord??
Wouldn't a diminished fifth chord need a third as well?

If it's just two notes, it's not really a chord as such.

Edit: Ignore me, I don't know what I'm talking about,
I meant the chord with the diminished 5th interval rather than the diminished 5th chord. Anyway, I usually just play 1, 5b, octave or the 5b interval only.