Opera Soprano-Fronted prog metal: my most complex mix.. 72 tracks...

Glenn Fricker

Very Metal &Very Bad News
Mar 6, 2005
22 Acacia Avenue
Hey gang,

Got a new one here, been working on it for quite some time, hence I haven't been on the board much.

Anyway, the song is a 4 minute clip from a 9 minute epic called "Medusa" by the band, "Perpetuate."

You can check it out here:
It's the first song on the mp3 stream player.

This one was pretty ambitious, and I wound up using 72 tracks for all the various bits.
A quick rundown:
Real drums
Fretless and Fretted bass
Grand Piano (my first time recording one!)
Synth Orchestra
All bandmembers sang on the 'choir' aaahs....
& the usual wall of guitars :)

The synth orchestra was written by the singer, and she really worked her ass off on it. We used a combination of a few different sample sets.

Some pics from the sessions...




On location, recording Grand Piano. You can see my SAC rig in the background.



Long scale Ibanez 7 string. I was very impressed with this guitar.





One mistake too many!

Please feel free to comment & question.

Much Kudos for the use of real instruments, Oz!!! Drums sounds great as usual. I also like the Piano. Let me guess, it wasn´t easy mixing all these elements...holy shit! Some weak point though...the female singer! Maybe it´s just me, but I think she lacks a bit of power. Nevertheless I like the part around 2:12, Piano shines out great, also dynamically and the singer is in a pleasent range.
Yeah, this one was a bit of a challenge.

As for the singer, she's holding back in the beginning.... and builds the power as the song progresses. Unfortunately, I can't post the entire track, but the end this song literally makes my hair stand on end every time I hear it. Mainly because of the vocals.

I chose this part to post just to show off the insane instrument mix. I'm glad there was only one of these on the record!
Sounds good :)

As usual, my biggest complaint would be the snare. It sounds flat (no distinctive attack) and has a bit too much mids or lowmids depending on your definition.
Thanks for commenting!

I was going for more of a "Steel Panther" (IMHO, the best sounding record in the last 5 years) type of snare sound than anything modern. Not really a huge fan of super-spiky snares, but you already know that. :)

Anyway, thanks again for checking it out.
really cool Oz!
also nice track
is it the same band you posted quite a while back?...don't think so, the singer was a lot weaker on that one
damn the orchestral stuff is impressive
steel panther snare FTW :D
is it the same band you posted quite a while back?...don't think so, the singer was a lot weaker on that one

Yes, it is the same band & singer. She took the comments posted here to heart & worked very, very hard to ratchet up the intensity.

I'll mention your post to them, it'll make her day!
Yes, it is the same band & singer. She took the comments posted here to heart & worked very, very hard to ratchet up the intensity.

I'll mention your post to them, it'll make her day!

Add a +1 to Mago's comment then, because I also thought it was a different band, definitely a better performance.

The mix is great, I also prefer more "modern" sounding snares, but since it's by choice I can't really judge it.
I think the kick sticks out too much during the quieter stuff. Not diggin' the snare but that is personal preference. Too much bottom wire and not enough smack for me. I also think the verb has too much of that early reflection sound.

Everything else sounds great. Great singer and composition!
Yes, it is the same band & singer. She took the comments posted here to heart & worked very, very hard to ratchet up the intensity.

I'll mention your post to them, it'll make her day!

after I posted I looked again at your player and spotted the song...really sounds a lot more powerful now. Normally I'm spot on in identifying voices (kind of a weird ability of mine lol) and I thought "it sounds like her...but she sings a lot better"
Great to hear!
Again, thanks very much for the feedback, guys!

This one was very tough to mix, as there was an insane amount of things going on.

Rhythm guitars were Ibanez Prestige 7 string into 5150/ENGL cab, miked "Fredman Style"... and, given my general loathing of the cheaper Ibanez guitars, I was pretty much shocked by how great this one sounded!

Drums were my 6 piece DW collector's maple, snare was DW maple, with a Tama 42 strand high carbon steel wire. I wanted to really hear the snap of the wires, as too much top head sounds 'papery' IMO. 3 mics: Granelli 5790 on top, C4 on the bottom, and M201 on the side shell for more crack.

Oh, and early reflections were turned OFF on the verb. :)

Definitely going for a retro-80's sound.... the band is into Iron Maiden bigtime! ...we actually did a cover of The Trooper for this disc.

I was also very happy with how the toms turned out.... "cannons!"
I love the snare drum! It sounds like a snare drum! Not a microphone placed really close to the top head of a snare drum and then compressed by 15db.

Agree that the kick sticks out a little in quiet sections, and that the verb on the snare is a little odd. I also thought the playing was a tad sloppy in places. I think keeping it rather live works really well, but a few sections could be tightened up a bit because they're not at the stage where any mis-timings are on purpose.

Singer sounds good but not great. Maybe she gets better at the end that I didn't hear. I empathise with you, female singers are HARD to get sounding powerful. Maybe some testosterone injections right before recording would help out, get some aggression in them >: D