Operation Mindcrime 2


Mar 22, 2003
New York City
I heard about a week ago that Queensryche is to release a sequel to Operation Mindcrime. You can read a bit more about it here:


I for one think this is the worst idea since the invention of vanilla coke. I like Operation Mindcrime enough; I think the band is just running out of things to do. I have a bad feeling about this...
As a big fan of QR, I'm looking forward to this. I do think they've put a lot of pressure on themselves to deliver with this album. If it tanks, they'll be roasted.

If they're making OM2 for all the right reasons, and it has been planned over the years, and the style of the music holds true to the original, they'll be fine. Anything that resembles a lack of effort, comes across half-assed, or even hints that they were "running out of things to do," and they'll regret they ever came up with this idea.

PS - Any contributions DeGarmo can make to this album can only help them, IMO.
I'm skeptical about this, especially since they've spent a large part of their post-OM career distancing themselves from metal and the timing of this sounds very calculated, and of course there's the risk of trampling over their masterpiece. Chris not being involved sucks, no doubt about it, but I don't think he's the band's savior...he did have a hand in writing two of the last three albums after all.
Queensryche was one of my favorite bands in the '80s and '90s, but I haven't followed them at all since DeGarmo left. I saw them in concert two years back (I think it was that time frame) and they sucked! Operation LiveCrime is still one of the top concerts I have seen, and I've seen quite a few. OM2 would be very intriguing, but it would suck without DeGarmo. I wouldn't even listen to it without DeGarmo.
Queensryche, being one of my top three favorite bands, I pray this will be a good one. I will never give up hope on them because miracles do happen and maybe they'll lay off the alternative crap and play something that sounds good. If it sucks, so what, the first Mindcrime will still remain an amazing album on it's own, right? But it's a big mistake from anyone to think that just because they're doing the sequel, it's going to be anything like the first one. It is Queensryche we're talking here.
Beelzebub said:
I'm afraid that if the album does suck, it'll bring down the first one.

Unless you're being sarcastic, why this would be so is beyond my comprehension...
If Einstein had an idiot brother, would that make him less a genious???