Operation Mindcrime 2

Macy said:
Unless you're being sarcastic, why this would be so is beyond my comprehension...
If Einstein had an idiot brother, would that make him less a genious???
Einstein was an idiot himself. He just happened to be genius at the same time. :geek:
I'm a huge Queensrÿche-fan :worship: - and I'm counting the days for the release of OMC II. I don't doubt for a minute, that it's going to be a work of genious! :Spin:
Well, Abigail II had a few good moments, but since it couldn't match Abilgail KD fans hated it. I fear the same for Queensryche. I did see them live with DT and they were quite good. And Vanilla Coke is great. At first it tastes like coke, but then in the afterwash, ahhhh...
There's another problem with the idea of an OMC II.

I'm not a big Queensryche fan, but they'll also be missing Michael Kamen, who did the string arrangements on OMC. He did quite a bit of work with them, in fact.

(Sorry to butt in from the Opeth forum, guys, I'm not a HUGE Symphony X fan, although I did hear The Odyssey and thought the band was talented.)
I'm still pretty excited about Mindcrime 2. But if they blow this, heads are gonna roll, because that's how dedicated of a Queensryche fan I am.
Given the last two studio releases from QR, the lack of Chris Degarmo, Geoff's comments of recent, and many other reasons, color me extremely skeptical and uninterested. I would love to be proved otherwise, but sadly I d not have that much confidence in QR as a band anymore. For as future thinking as they once were, QR never really did anything past Hear in the Now Frontier. I know others had written them off even earlier.
Holy cow, Beelzebub, you had to dig waaaaaaaaay back for this thread!

That said, I'm with Glenn..I just don't have high hopes for this cd, much as I'd love to be pleasantly surprised by it. Time will tell..