Operation Mindcrime 2

Now that I think about it, Queensryche's later releases were such a disappointment that even their cover bands are bad. When I saw Sonata Arctica on Wednesday, they had a Queensryche cover band open for them, and they were a major disappointment, except for their cover of Queen of the Reich, and the keyboard guy. That guy was awesome. But overall, they were a major disappointment.
I wasn't really thrilled with the original Mindcrime when I heard it...some songs were OK, but all in all it just didn't do much for me as an overall album. Kind of the same reaction I had to Scenes from a Memory--good parts, but not something I ever felt motivated to listen to as a full album. And for a concept album, that's a deadly error.
Yeah, I heard it. It sounds alot like Breaking the Silence. (Kindof.) I like it alot. Listened to it 3 times already.
Rose_Immortal said:
(Sorry to butt in from the Opeth forum, guys, I'm not a HUGE Symphony X fan, although I did hear The Odyssey and thought the band was talented.)

You're hardly butting in, I always liked chatting to you (probably our common love of Opeth). You dont need to apologise for posting here even though SyX didnt do it for you. Actually I'm on the lookout for new bands, I should ask what you listen to besides Opeth?

On the subject of OMC2, I absolutely LOVED the original, its one I consider a 'collector's album'. However I've hated everything else I've heard out of Queensryche. I'm extremely skeptical, I will of course give it a chance, but them coming back and making another like it? Its a really far fetched idea.
SilentRealm said:
You're hardly butting in, I always liked chatting to you (probably our common love of Opeth). You dont need to apologise for posting here even though SyX didnt do it for you. Actually I'm on the lookout for new bands, I should ask what you listen to besides Opeth?

LOL, that part is a VERY old quote...I've since then become a huge SymX fan. But I listen to lots of stuff besides Opeth...

A.A. Lucassen (Anything Arjen Lucassen ;) )
Blind Guardian
Coldplay (yeah, I know, shut up)
Dream Theater
Peter Gabriel
Pink Floyd
Sigur Rós

A bunch of film scores by people like Michael Kamen and Hans Zimmer (among others)

And a bunch of classical stuff too.

And a lot of other stuff I didn't mention.
Beelzebub said:
You thought Mindcrime was their best? I always thought it was Rage For Order.
I love Rage, but I personally think that, even though it had only 4 songs on it, the first album is my favorite. "Your soul slips away! It belongs to the Queen of the REEEEEEEEIIIIIICH!!!!"
Rose, the two first of your list are also my favourites. To put it short and simple: my life is Symphony X, BG and Ayreon. :D
ptah knemu said:
I'm still pretty excited about Mindcrime 2. But if they blow this, heads are gonna roll, because that's how dedicated of a Queensryche fan I am.

Uh, I think there's absolutely no question that it will be an atrocity.
Comments like yours are sad. Geez, everywhere i see people already knowing that the album will be bad, and they base that on silly reasons ("they dont play metal anymore", "DeGarmo is not involved", "they are old" "they have herpes" etc). Seriously don't ever listen to it if you are so sure that it will sound like an "atrocity", there is no need to listen to it, you already know how it will be. There are so many bands (famour, classical or not) that released some really CRAPPY albums, and then managed to make something of the highest quality.
I have faith in QR, releasing a bad, a mediocre and a "just good" album ("HOTNF" "Q2K" and "Tribe" - enjoyed "Tribe" btw) doesnt mean anything, how can one say (for a fact too) that they still dont have inspiration inside them, and how can you believe that such talented musicians like Tate, Wilton, Edbass or Rockenfield, just "lost it", or that all the good music they were meant to write, is already spent. Inspiration and talent are not things that can be counted or measured.
I feel the same way. Every band has their bad albums.... except for Symphony X, Dream Theater and Kamelot. Anyway, my point is that even though said album doesnt meet fans' expectations (which NEVER have input on the band's production), that doesnt mean the album is an atrocity. For Queensryche, that album would be Tribe. The album wasn't really BAD. It was just nowhere near their old albums.
ptah knemu said:
I feel the same way. Every band has their bad albums.... except for Symphony X, Dream Theater and Kamelot. Anyway, my point is that even though said album doesnt meet fans' expectations (which NEVER have input on the band's production), that doesnt mean the album is an atrocity. For Queensryche, that album would be Tribe. The album wasn't really BAD. It was just nowhere near their old albums.

I thought Tribe was brilliant (yes, I know I'm in the minority). It's just got this great, original sound to it that I've not heard elsewhere. No, it's not "old Queensryche", but that's not a bad thing. The riffs are heavy, the lyrics (as always) are thought-provoking, the production is clean yet heavy, the vocals are, again as always, steller, etc.

ok, let the flaming begin. :wave:
SoundMaster said:
I thought Tribe was brilliant (yes, I know I'm in the minority). It's just got this great, original sound to it that I've not heard elsewhere. No, it's not "old Queensryche", but that's not a bad thing. The riffs are heavy, the lyrics (as always) are thought-provoking, the production is clean yet heavy, the vocals are, again as always, steller, etc.

ok, let the flaming begin. :wave:
You are not the minority. Many people liked "Tribe", some few even "Q2K" what was hated by almost everyone is "Hear In The Now Frontier". I think "Tribe" was a very good album, but i would not call it "brilliant".