Opeth and copy-protected CDs


Apr 11, 2002
I'm not gonna buy their new album if they sign to a "major" who's putting copy-protection on newly released albums...
I will, to support the band. But I'll have to find a way to convert it to MP3 so I can listen to it on my MP3 player when I'm out.
And why is that?
It has nothing to do, you are supporting a band buying their record. And if it's copy protected, who cares?
I have several records which are copy protected, and if I need to convert it on mp3 I download the record again from another source (internet). That's all.

ginkgothian said:
I'm not gonna buy their new album if they sign to a "major" who's putting copy-protection on newly released albums...
I will buy the new album as im a fan!...however anti copying cds mean i will not be albe to put the album on my mp3 player, therefore ill be forced to download the album from a popular shareware progamme thus increasing the number of files availalbe for people to download...it works both ways!...
Yea its easy to get around that. Hell you can just set some recording software to record what is coming out of the speakers if you had to.. ive done that before.
i'm buying it no matter what, and i don't want to hear any samples at all, before it comes out. you not buying it because a big label may possibly release it, is pretty retarded.

also, i dunno if a cd that is "copy protected" is the same as one that has "fbi piracy warning..." on it..because LoG - ashes of the wake ripped fine onto my comp.
No I will not. A copy protected CD does not match the booktree standard, you can't even call it a "compact disc" without lying. I won't pay ridicuolus cd prices to crack a copy protection (it's also illegal where i live)

I don't care if opeth signs to a major label. I just can't accept to get my consumer rights to be cut down Period
Copy-protection doesn't even work, so whats the problem? If they are ever able to make a version that works, there'll be new rippers out within the week that'll have cracked it.

For me its very important to be able to rip, because i have an iPod, so need to be able to transfer my music accross - slow internet means i can't download them either (if i want them at a reasonable bitrate that is)
It's strange. To quote an infamous engineer... 'when you start suing your customers, you know something's wrong'. The music industry, instead of trying to level with consumers in some way is simply just pummeling money into anti-piracy mass-prosecutions and stupid CD-protection schemes. I'm sorry, that just isn't going to get you anywhere.

Sure the industry is in a very bad state at the moment, but it's a rut they can't get out of by continuing to be pricks to their consumers.

I personally don't care about the protection scheme in regards to Opeth though. It would be the label's call, not theirs (I presume). I buy CDs to listen to CDs... not mp3s. It's almost insulting to rip a band's catalogue onto a portable MP3 player, for low-quality mass consumption. If I want to listen to mp3s, I'll download them... hell the speed of internet connections these days will let me get an album in a few minutes. If I find an album worthy of purchase I WILL buy it and I'll listen to it on CD, without compressing it and degenerating the quality.