Opeth and Paradise Lost in the UK.

MA: "We've actually had some time off. Do you know what I've been doing?"
Crowd: "Wanking" "Wanking!" etc...etc..
MA: "Jerking off.......and fixing the roof on my mansion"

I like what he said about Axenrot's duplicate
personality hahaa

"Axe is the nice side, we like to call the evil side, Eric"

or something to that effect...
Hey, Not long in from the Glasgow gig!

It was fucking amazing!

Paradise Lost were quite good for a start, haven't heard much of their stuff, but i will give it a listen now... i have a feeling they're not as good on record as they were live though.

Opeth were amazing. Setlist was the same as Portsmouth gig:

Ghost Of Perdition
Face Of Melinda
Night And The Silent Winter
Grand Conjuration
Blackwater Park

And it seems MA's jokes were simliar too, but funny none-the-less haha.

MA(Before Night And The Silent Winter): We wrote this song a while back when we were young, horny and pretentious.... We're still horny, still pretentious, but we're fucking old.

MA(Before Blackwater Park): You can tell by note that is soaring through the PA system now.... that this song.... is EVIL.

I'm a bit sad that they never played much from the SL album, but it was amazing anyways. They missed out some intros too, the acoustic into for When was omitted, which annoyed me because i love that part of the song haha.

I can't wait for the DVD to come out. Mikael said they wont be touring for a while after this one, which is a bit annoying, but they will be recording a new album!

MA: Everyone will think the new album is shit... because it's going to be fucking dark. Opeth are kind of famous for having lots of melody, this record has no melody (pause for crowd laughing at the prospect of a non-melodic Opeth)... it's just fucking dark.

Just back in from Glasgow gig. Absolutely 100% better than when I saw them last year. Paradise Lost played and excellent set, and I thought they totally destroyed, but... to be perfectly honest, they got OWNED!!!

Big props to Axe, who has improved enormously. Really, very promising, I can't wait to hear his work on the next album, should be very sophisticated. I think he may make a VERY appropriate Lopez replacement after all.

I'm also about 99% certain that Mendez was stoned out of his face. More so than usual. It was amusing.

MA (while introducing each individual band member): 'And on guitar, we have... erm... uh, what is it?... Peter Lindgren?'

MA: 'And now, to the youngest member of the band. He's youngest in two senses I guess. I mean, he's been playing with us for only about a year or so. And he is actually 9.'

MA (Introducing TNATSW): 'I never thought we would play this song, because... well, I thought it was... shit. But, it turns out that it's a masterpiece!'

MA: 'I would never plug anything, I'm far too cool for that. But, you see this? *points to giant flag of GR cover*. Yeah, we've released a new edition of this record. If you wanna buy it, you know... that's cool. But I'll tell you something. The DVD with it has the fucking coolest thing I've ever seen. The fucking menu... it's so cool. It's like that, except, the guy moves around! Tech-fucking-nology! Anyway, this next song is from that record. We actually made a video for it. Most people hate it. But they don't have a fucking moving DVD menu! This is called 'The Grand Conjuration'.'

MA (pointing to a plaster on his arm): You see this? It's not as cool as it looks. Looks pretty fucking cool, right? Hardcore. But, you see, I have a new guitar. That pretty red one I've been playing. And, the edge, you see... it cut my arm. Beacuse, I am... a pussy.'
MA: 'I would never plug anything, I'm far too cool for that. But, you see this? *points to giant flag of GR cover*. Yeah, we've released a new edition of this record. If you wanna buy it, you know... that's cool. But I'll tell you something. The DVD with it has the fucking coolest thing I've ever seen. The fucking menu... it's so cool. It's like that, except, the guy moves around! Tech-fucking-nology! Anyway, this next song is from that record. We actually made a video for it. Most people hate it. But they don't have a fucking moving DVD menu! This is called 'The Grand Conjuration'.'

Opeth were awesome in Glasgow last nite, Mikael is an absolute legend!, He is prob the best frontman i've ever seen at a gig, he is so polite but funny as fuk as well. I'm struggling to remember the exact setlist but i think it was as follows, sum1 correct me if i'm wrong

Ghost of Perdition
Face of Melinda
The Night and Silent Water
The Grand Conguration
Blackwater Park
encore - Deliverance

They were on 4 just under 2 hours and were stunning! :headbang:

btw was any1 standing in the middle just up the stairs?, there were 3 absolute arseholes who were clearly out their faces on something, one guy was dancing about like he was at a fucking hip-hop concert. After blackwater park he stood up on the banister and got taken away by security and missed the encore, that was truly class and was a highlight of the nite, what a tool!
Good crowd in Glasgow, wide range of ages, even old farts like me:loco:
Sorry to say I didn't like P.L. found it a bit boring.

OPeth were great though, the time just passed so quickly.
Glad I eventually got to see them.

Sounds like there will be a new album next year. Wonder if MA still planning to work with S.W. next year also.
I was at the Glasgow gig last night!

The venue was excellent - great size and great lighting.

I'd only read about Paradise Lost; They were not as I expected. The guitar was quite simple for my liking (power-chords and so on). They dragged on a bit. However their set improved towards the end. I now understand what I'd read about them being influenced by Depeche Mode. They reminded me of Rammstein, Lacuna Coil, Linkin Park, (although I know they probably were the originators of that sound).

Opeth were totally awesome. Especially the opening with Ghost of Perdition!!

I wasn't entirely happy with their set choices. Silent Water was good, but I'd have preferred to have heard Advent. As for their Still Life choice ... Face Of Melinda was ok but I really wanted to hear The Moor or White Cluster... and i nearly got blinded by the guy in front of me whipping me with his long hair. :-D

Needless to say, Blackwater Park and Deliverance were incredible.

Mikael's banter was great. One part that hasnt been mentioned so far:

"We have done alot of touring lately...something like 260 shows. So we're not going to do any more shows for a while."
-the crowd started booing and MA looked annoyed. Then he said somethign like:
"But we need the time to write some new stuff for you guys." (then everybody cheered)

The audience was cool as hell, although I laughed at people trying to bang their heads to some of the weird time signatures. And the crowd went crazy at The Grand Conjuration.

Brilliant gig!

I was standing on Peter's side...i was just at the end of the barrier...at the space missing. Coz im 4ft 7 and tiny so i need to see properly. There was a bloke and a girl snoggin which was funny until they blocked my view and then they pissed off so i took their place. I think i saw that guy who was whipping you....did he have blond hair?

Did anyone meet mikael? i met him, my camera busted up and i couldnt save them. i had to go up again and ask for another, still didnt work but hey i hugged mikael twice and the bassist twice...the apparently stoned one...was he really stoned? i thought he was just shy.

Oh my sister said something about mikael being married, i dunno what she said but he chuckled. She could said something worse, she was going to ask him to...sign my boobs, i dunno if she was joking but i made sure she wasnt gonna say THAT.
He's so tall! I didnt realise, and the bassist is relatively short. It was cool...i was shy as hell. If that's what its gonna be like with then, then if i ever meet Brian May i think ill faint.

I remember MA said something about the drummer having a split personality, cant remember what his alternative is though. Ivor or something...
I was standing on Peter's side...i was just at the end of the barrier...at the space missing. Coz im 4ft 7 and tiny so i need to see properly. There was a bloke and a girl snoggin which was funny until they blocked my view and then they pissed off so i took their place. I think i saw that guy who was whipping you....did he have blond hair?

Did anyone meet mikael? i met him, my camera busted up and i couldnt save them. i had to go up again and ask for another, still didnt work but hey i hugged mikael twice and the bassist twice...the apparently stoned one...was he really stoned? i thought he was just shy.

Oh my sister said something about mikael being married, i dunno what she said but he chuckled. She could said something worse, she was going to ask him to...sign my boobs, i dunno if she was joking but i made sure she wasnt gonna say THAT.
He's so tall! I didnt realise, and the bassist is relatively short. It was cool...i was shy as hell. If that's what its gonna be like with then, then if i ever meet Brian May i think ill faint.

I remember MA said something about the drummer having a split personality, cant remember what his alternative is though. Ivor or something...

Haha, yeah i kinda met mikael... he waved at me and gave me the thumbs up before the gig when he came out to the tour bus right in front of the queue lol. Martin Lopez aswell but didn't manage to make any contact with him:p
it was also funny when mikael was introducing the band members. He said 2 clap just a little louder when he came to his name, he then introduced himself as bubba smith, then tom petty, think he sed sum other names but cudn't make them out. The guy is class, he shud do stand-up!
it was also funny when mikael was introducing the band members. He said 2 clap just a little louder when he came to his name, he then introduced himself as bubba smith, then tom petty, think he sed sum other names but cudn't make them out. The guy is class, he shud do stand-up!

MA: I am.... Yngwie Malmsteen...

I thought that it was funny when the PL frontman ?? was introducing one of their more successful numbers.
He goes something like. "The next song was really successful - it was no.1 in Luxembourg - for 4 weeks" (virtual silence from crowd).
he went on " well, that was quite an achievment especially as luxembourg is such a small country!" :lol: