Opeth UK Date


New Metal Member
Oct 13, 2002
Liverpool, UK
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New date just announced, supported by Paradise Lost!

Nottingham Rock City, 7th November


Hope its part of a full tour!
I just jizzed hopefully they do Manchester hope it does not clash with me going away.
Oh hell yes, I'll be there a good 3 hours in advance, if those crazy people I met last time post here, I shall probably see them in the line.
I will be the third person to suggest a Glasgow date... Opeth and Paradise Lost are 2 of the best live bands I've seen... to have them on the same bill would be almost orgasmic...

And I want to go see Enslaved in Glasgow, but I haven't got a ticket yet :cry:

5th - Portsmouth, Pyramid
6th - Glasgow, ABC
7th - Nottingham, Rock City
8th - Manchester, Academy
9th - London, Roadhouse
10th - Birmingham, Academy
11th - Exeter, Great Hall
I've worked this and and I have to say this "officially" the most retarded touring schedual I've ever seen, the dates and locations are good but the order? Who the fuck came up with the order? Seriously did you guys just let Melinda loose on a map of the UK with a crayon?

No offence, it's just really strange, what with you travelling, ultimatly, nearly 1200 miles around the UK when the longest distance between any two points on that bill is less than 400 miles....

Even with excursion to Exeter, going to Southampton, Exeter, London, Birmingham, Nottingham, Manchester, Glasgow, (or, if you wanted to start in Glasgow, doing the exact same route in reverse), would cut the journey nearly in half, 650 miles.
Ayr said:
Hey, Ken, isn't Aberfeldy right by Cairngorm mountains??
It is about an hours drive from here due west.
Aberfeldy is the centre of mainland Scotland, 'famous' for the 'birks of Aberfeldy' a walk full of birch tree's and is a poem by Rabbie Burns.
The nearest Mountains are Scheihallion and Lawers. It is also on the longest river in the country, River Tay, with one of the best Lochs, Loch Tay 6 miles west at Kenmore.
Anyhow, enough of the tourist stuff already.
Worth a visit I'd say
yes, I think Ive passed it while on a hicking trip in Scotland this winter. LOVELY place! Ashame, you don't get that many gigs there.
As to the tour schedule- YES, it is weird as hell.
Ayr said:
yes, I think Ive passed it while on a hicking trip in Scotland this winter. LOVELY place! Ashame, you don't get that many gigs there.
As to the tour schedule- YES, it is weird as hell.
No we don't get many gigs here :)
Headlining in the town hall this year is a band called 'Aberfeldy', from Edinburgh.
Perth is close and they occasionally get some decent stuff, Morrisey was there last year and van morrison last week.
Glasgow is the place to be for the best, ie opeth, PT, Anathema etc.