OPETH and TOOL playing the same day at the Quartfestival in Norway!

If tool didnt play in fucked up time sigs they would be basic ass guitar riffs that got boring after 5 minutes with an awesome drummer. Look at the influence Steve had on Mike (not saying it was bad). They might become friends (maybe Carey could replace Lopez). I mean both bands have a love of King Crimson, I dont find it unbelievable that they wont get along. What Im saying is there was enough Tool influence on GR and I dont think there should be anymore, Tool is boring compared to Opeth. Mike rules at playing his guitar style not copying Adam Jones's.
the guy has an opinion, if he finds it boring he finds it boring tbh, you might not like some of his taste in music.. sometimes people just cant get into some stuff
he'll be on about the Devil Cracked The Earthly Shell bridge sounding mildly similar to Lateralus, right?
Don Corleone said:
mikael being influenced by tool in a matter of days? sooo unlikely. tool have been around well over a decade and lateralus was released in 2001. mikael and the band must have heard about tool somehow by now. and i dont see any resemblance really.

but there is nothing wrong with being influenced by such a fantastic band as tool.

I read in Terrorizer an interview with Mikael about the 'upcoming albums' (being Deliverance and Damnation) that were to yet be released, and Mike was asked about the bands he mostly listens to (at the time of course) and his answer was Porcupine Tree, Katatonia and Tool. So that's been a good 3 years ago now at least.
If you dont hear tool influences on GR, you're an idiot. Tool are amazing, and eveyrone in opeth recognize that. That's not to say that Opeth copied Tool or anything, but lateralus is definitely hovering around opeth albums. seeing tool and opeth at one concert would complete my life.
Nomansvally said:
Det må du bare gjøre My Arms, Your Purse! Alt for Opeth! Men det er litt av en lang tur fra Bergen til Kristiansand vil jeg tro. Så god tur, vi sees sikkert der - skal lete etter bergensere hehe!
FAEN. Eg e blakk som en jævla rotte.

Dette var trist.

Anyways, I have a hard time listening to Tool too, dunno why but its just boring.
KjeXXXer said:
FAEN. Eg e blakk som en jævla rotte.

Dette var trist.

Anyways, I have a hard time listening to Tool too, dunno why but its just boring.

Er også blakk, men om jeg så må haike meg nedover og tigge for en billett, så gjør jeg det :headbang:
I can hear Tool very clearly in a few of the songs on GR, most notably Grand Conjuration. The first time I heard it, I thought to myself, "Mike must have heard The Grudge." Which, as Tool is my second favorite band behind Opeth themselves, is a good thing.