Opeth at Gigantour - Detroit


Dulce Et Decorum Est
Opeth by far was the best band of the evening. The sound was amazing, the setlist, although short, was choice.

Ghost of Perdition
The Leper Affinity

Mike was very animated on stage as usual, and I think there were alot of converts by talking to people after the show.

Props to Arch Enemy, Overkill, Lamb and Megadeth for bringing it as much as they could, but they were no match musically.

I was bummed because there was no Opeth signing at this show, or if there was I missed it.

45 minutes of Opeth is better than no Opeth at all.

I went to Columbus on Saturday and they were GREAT! Every other setlist I've seen for Gigantour (excluding 2 or 3 dates) have been 5 songs. I was a little suprised they only played 4 songs in Columbus as well.

I don't think they're doing the FYE signing on this tour. I hung out by the buses for a while, but these guys kept screaming at every single person that would walk by. I was kind of bummed that Opeth didn't come out, but sure as hell don't blame them! There's always next time.
I recall reading in the gigantour chatroom transcript thread that Opeth isn't doing the signings.
myra said:
I went to Columbus on Saturday and they were GREAT! Every other setlist I've seen for Gigantour (excluding 2 or 3 dates) have been 5 songs. I was a little suprised they only played 4 songs in Columbus as well.

I don't think they're doing the FYE signing on this tour. I hung out by the buses for a while, but these guys kept screaming at every single person that would walk by. I was kind of bummed that Opeth didn't come out, but sure as hell don't blame them! There's always next time.
Actually that is the other way around. They have only played 5 songs on 2 or 3 dates. The posted setlists are wrong, just look at people's reviews of the shows.

I too was at the Columbus show and it was so amazing. I don't believe there is one other band on this planet that can hang with Opeth. All of the bands sounded good, but Opeth for some reason sounded ALOT better than everyone else. You could clearly hear everything in their music. The setlist was short, but was definitely sweet.
Zombi Epidemic said:
Actually that is the other way around. They have only played 5 songs on 2 or 3 dates. The posted setlists are wrong, just look at people's reviews of the shows.

I too was at the Columbus show and it was so amazing. I don't believe there is one other band on this planet that can hang with Opeth. All of the bands sounded good, but Opeth for some reason sounded ALOT better than everyone else. You could clearly hear everything in their music. The setlist was short, but was definitely sweet.

Ahh, ok. Maybe I read wrong or looked at different setlists.

I definitely agree about their sound. Better than the sound they had at Bogarts. I took videos of AE and Opeth on my phone, and you can actually hear Opeth. Where were you standing? I was right in front of Peter and saw someone throw a beer cup at him. :mad:
I was at the Columbus show as well and I couldn't disagree with you guys about the sound more. I was right in front of Peter maybe 30 feet from the stage. You couldn't hear his guitar at all. When they first started Ghosts of Perdition I thought it was Michael's levels that were off but it was definitelt Peter. The sound guy didn't change the levels through the whole set either.

During the end of Deliverence when Peter and Michael are both supposed to be playing (one doing the power chords and the other doing the repeating more meoldic part), it sounded very thin because Peter's guitar hardly came through the PA at all. The only thing that made it sound full enough to not make me want to punch the sound guy in the face was Martin carrying the part on bass.

Also, during Windowpane the parts under the solos where Peter plays rhythm were very thin because all the chords Peter strums couldn't be heard.

Overall, I love seeing Opeth every time and they had Michael's sound pretty much right on but the show at Bogart's was MUCH better sounding.
myra said:
Ahh, ok. Maybe I read wrong or looked at different setlists.

I definitely agree about their sound. Better than the sound they had at Bogarts. I took videos of AE and Opeth on my phone, and you can actually hear Opeth. Where were you standing? I was right in front of Peter and saw someone throw a beer cup at him. :mad:

I was right in front of Mendez the whole time. Got some really good pics too.

It was funny as hell, my wife does this REALLY loud indian call and Mikael heard it and pointed right at us before they started Ghost Of Perdition.
cincyeng said:
I was at the Columbus show as well and I couldn't disagree with you guys about the sound more. I was right in front of Peter maybe 30 feet from the stage. You couldn't hear his guitar at all. When they first started Ghosts of Perdition I thought it was Michael's levels that were off but it was definitelt Peter. The sound guy didn't change the levels through the whole set either.

During the end of Deliverence when Peter and Michael are both supposed to be playing (one doing the power chords and the other doing the repeating more meoldic part), it sounded very thin because Peter's guitar hardly came through the PA at all. The only thing that made it sound full enough to not make me want to punch the sound guy in the face was Martin carrying the part on bass.

Also, during Windowpane the parts under the solos where Peter plays rhythm were very thin because all the chords Peter strums couldn't be heard.

Overall, I love seeing Opeth every time and they had Michael's sound pretty much right on but the show at Bogart's was MUCH better sounding.

I don't know man, maybe I was just hearing the amps on the stage because I was right next to the barrier in front of Mendez and I could hear everything, well.
Indrid Cold said:
BETTER NOT - that's essentially the reason I'm going
Well I can tell you right now, they are NOT going to be playing it. Mark my words. They have only done it twice on this tour, besides the off dates and the first time they ran WAY over. The second time they played it Into Eternity wasn't there so they go a little longer set.
cincyeng said:
I was at the Columbus show as well and I couldn't disagree with you guys about the sound more. I was right in front of Peter maybe 30 feet from the stage. You couldn't hear his guitar at all. When they first started Ghosts of Perdition I thought it was Michael's levels that were off but it was definitelt Peter. The sound guy didn't change the levels through the whole set either.

During the end of Deliverence when Peter and Michael are both supposed to be playing (one doing the power chords and the other doing the repeating more meoldic part), it sounded very thin because Peter's guitar hardly came through the PA at all. The only thing that made it sound full enough to not make me want to punch the sound guy in the face was Martin carrying the part on bass.

Also, during Windowpane the parts under the solos where Peter plays rhythm were very thin because all the chords Peter strums couldn't be heard.

Overall, I love seeing Opeth every time and they had Michael's sound pretty much right on but the show at Bogart's was MUCH better sounding.

I was standing right in front of the speakers on the left side and it sounded alright from there. I could see that if I were to step back a little.

Bogart's was a great show, but the sound during Dark Tranquillity was some of the worst I have heard there.