Opeth at The Forum Theatre In Melbourne ticket purchase help?

Splintered Vision said:
Fucking sweet!!! Thanks dude :hotjump:

And you're sure its official?

If anyone knows of Hoags at JJJ then you will know he is the Australian oracle for anything that is Opeth. Although I still cant find anything other than hearing it announced by JJJ, AH has not been wrong about much that I am aware of in the past and he would not say it unless he was officially informed of it. My mates and I all from Tassie are banking on this announced date to buy tickets to travel over - we have all been keeping close watch for a few weeks now just waiting for the announcement.
Daters said:
Dont know if you guys know this yet or not but the tickets for the forum gig are on sale at ticketek as of 27th Jan - next Friday. They are supposed to be between $40 and $50 bux with a $2 booking fee. See you guys there...

Sweet...$40 bucks is cheap as!
^ The dates have been announced for yonks mate..

But yeah, the ticketing is the problem people are having. Although, I have a feeling I read somewhere who the tickets will be available through for each show.. I'll look.

EDIT: Nah, apparently not. Maybe I dreamed it..
so 27th Jan for sydney?
wheres it going to be? is it final or are we still waiting on ticketek?
Your a fucking idiot Vintersorg, people are wondering when and where TICKETS are available, not when and where the show is. Stop being a faggot.
Well how about you try reading a bit harder before you starting "yawning" and "crying" and "sighing" and calling people noooobs because YOU read their question wrong.
I read nothing wrong. I called no-one a noob. But while we're on the topic, perhaps if you had read through things more thoroughly, you would no why I have no paritcular interest in the Australian dates.

I was 'yawning' and the lack of initiative people were taking for themselves. Obviously, if www.opeth.com has no official statements on the issue, then perhaps there are no definite dates announced for ticket release?