Opeth "Australien" Tour

Dungeon website - www.dungeon.cd

Dungeon are old school metal crossed with a bit of power metal, but don't let that put you off. They're a fucking amazing band, a great bunch of guys, and as a few people have noted, somehow they're the only power metal band that could get away with playing on the same bills as extreme metal bands as they've done many times before.

They're basically the only power-ish metal band I listen to, and generally I can't stand power metal, so that's saying something. :P
Spike said:
.......The lady is right, and that idiot would be me by the way. :cry:

Oh well, sometimes it's perferable to be wrong I guess. *Sigh*
it's ok spike. it's not your fault you're stupid. ;) *pats spike's head*
PoS said:
OMG! check it out! :eek:

go check it out on the official site if you don't believe me! oh, and dungeon are the support act at the enmore. I can't wait to see them now!!!! now I just have to find out what everybody looks like so I can recognise the UM'ers when I get there. who ever said it was going to be a soft set? :p

PoS said:
it's ok spike. it's not your fault you're stupid. ;) *pats spike's head*
Awwww, there's no need to rub it in. :cry:

And I was just repeating what someone who was quoting the promoter said anyway, as this was the most reliable source of information at the time. Didn't say it was set in stone! :loco:

But then again, you knew that, didn't you? ;)
I really hope it's the same set they've been playing recently. It's pretty much a best-of.

I just got my tickets to the 2nd Melbourne show and it says on the website that they're selling fast so everyone should hurry up before they sell out...
BTW are they calling their tour the "Australien" tour? Because last year when they were here they toured with an Australian band called Alchemist that had just released "Austral Alien". I smell a rip off... :) Ah well, at least Mikael always admits they steal lots of things from other bands.
@spike - yes I know dear. I was just poking a little fun at you ya goose!

Moonlapse said:
It's relieving to hear it will be a mixed set. Such energy there will be now.
yeah. let's hope they alternate between the soft and heavy songs, so we can rest our straining necks before getting stuck back into it again! does anyone know how long the sets go for? I think I heard someone somwhere say 5 hours total, but if there are only two acts, isn't that a long time for each band to be playing?
Hey, everyone!

Thanx for the nice words there about us getting the Sydney support! It's gonna be a tricky one for us 'cos we're in the middle of recording our new album(s) but I think it'll be a fucking awesome show all the same, we're really looking forward to it!

If anyone recognises us there, feel free to come over and say hi - it's always great to catch up with other UM'ers! :)