Opeth Concert in VancouveR!


All Mighty Overlord.
Apr 27, 2003
Vancouver, BC Canada
Just got back.. great show.. would have been better with out devil "im trying to hard to be and act metal" driver.

Moonspelll ruled..

And opeth played their same revised set with the drum tech.. BUT they played drapery falls and demon of the fall with GENE!! WOW..

Mike said he NAILED drapery in ONE try.. ( he listened to it twice, then played it first try.. ) Took two tries for demon :)

Great fucking job and amazing for such short notice.. so ya.. cant wait til they come back :) And they get a nice reception so im sure they will..

Devil Driver was just a bad joke me thinks.......Moonspell was amazing...Opeth was unbelivable BIG RESPECT TO THEM FOR SHOWING UP HERE.....Gene did a fantastic job he really is the machine.......the drum tech was awsome too so big respect to him too...I'm totaly out of words for this concert the guys did an awsome job and I can't wait for them to come back.....and they also took a lot of time after the concert to talk to everyone in person and sign stuff so that was a big plus. THANK YOU OPETH
I kinda planned to show up AFTER Devil Driver but unfortunately failed and had to sit through them. Oh well. Moonspell, who for the record I was familiar with, but not really with their music at all, was quite good, with the possible exception of some cheese factor when the vocalist brought out this big phallic skull-capped devil stick thing to pound menacingly on the floor. All nit-picking aside, however, they were very good and I will be looking their material up in the near future.

On to Opeth! They, as stated elsewhere, did the Calgary setlist + Drapery and Demon as per Gene Gene (The Dancing Machine) Hoglan's substitute abilities. Mikael told the crowd they had a chance to rehearse earlier in the day and Gene got The Drapery Falls perfect on the first take. With a knowing wink, Mike said it took Gene until the second take to get Demon of the Fall. With Gene back there, the songs came across perfectly (I didn't notice him having any issues at all) and we here in Vancouver did get to see some heavy Opeth, and it was good.

Oh, and for the record, Mikael says Peter Forsberg is his favourite hockey player, and Gene Hoglan can open a screw-off beer bottle with his eye.

I think I'm going to go repeat these important details now in the other Vancouver show thread...