FYI to everyone,
I have sent Mikael an email and will await his response. I am hoping to step in as owner of this site (for those who didn't already know me) and see if we can't get things back in order, for a permanent basis.
This is the band's forum, and I would not run it without their permission, so it is only with their approval it will move forward and hopefully we can get it back in order.
I will send out the word of warning now to those who need it, you screw around and start insulting the band, me, mods, etc. you'll find yourself banned on the spot, it won't be tolerated. That should be also go for other users of this forum. Kidding around and all is fine, but I won't tolerate malicious verbal attacks to other members, it's unnecessary. I've been down this road with other forums on the site, and I know some of the responses that are to come, so again, you're warned now to realize it is my and the band's call on the rules and how things will be conducted on the forum, it's not a free for all and you don't have the right to say whatever you want (malicious) without consequence. This should all be common sense but...
That all said, I am awaiting Mikael's response and we'll see what happens from here. Hopefully a batch of bad and sour apples will not ruin the whole orchard.