Opeth on Swedish TV... again

Tack for the link!!
But Opeth appeared too short time...

I'd love to know what they were speaking.
Can someone translate??
I lol'd and facepalmed a bit (Jag tog fram skäms-kudden)when Kristoffer failed in the end of the program when he tried to interview the "speeded- on-Opeth"-guy "It's none of your fucking bizniz man, STAY METAL", but besides that it was a really good program.

I'm glad to see my money put to good use for once.:P (Though Kobra usually rocks irregardless of the topic they take on)

Memorable quote from Mike: -*On their way in the bus/taxi to the festival area* -"Ja, jag hörde att vi redan har sålt slut på våra tröjor." "Vi har sålt mer än både Motörhead and Arch Enemy"*Mike Laughs* ["I was told that we have already sold out all our clothing."]["We've sold more than both Motörhead and Arch Enemy"]-*Kristoffer saying/asking something about the merch compensating for lack of cd sales* *Mike laughs*-"Nä, det är bara skivbolagen som köper skivorna" *Mike laughs* ["It's only the record labels who buys the cds"]

Memorable quote from Fredrik close to the end of the program: "Nu blir mamma arg, jag dricker öl på tv" ["My mom will be mad at me, I'm drinking beer on tv"].:D