Opeth play serenity painted death in phoenix

Yes I saw it first hand, so was it really the first time them playing it, Mike even said he was nervous about the song all day because they handnt practiced it in a long time. Ill report to see if they play it tommorw at the Galaxy Theater which im going to.
I missed the whole goddamn thing, because I'm a whipped motherfucker with a job :mad: I've had pretty much the whole show explained to me from Silver Raven though... She like.
wow, I feel sort of special. I knew in my head that it was cool as I had the set list in my head but for a moment, I thought they giving the typical line that bands say each night to make you feel like they are doing something different than the night before.
I got seriously smashed during that song. Ive never been in something so intense before. After that I had to move because I couldnt handle it :lol: but I did get a much better place by the speaker and was able to see all of them.

Ohh yeah I liked very much but if it wasnt for you BasilisK, I wouldnt even know who Opeth are. Thank you :)
Good lord almighty motherfucker! I am so freakin happy to be reading this. That song is an all time favorite. Too bad I live in shit-hole Louisiana. OPeth would never venture near this place.
Cool,thats so fucking good.I hope they play it when i next see them.

Anyway,more importantly,did the band play it to perfection like the always do?.And did they even cut out the song at the end like on cd.
I just wonder how a fan can only THINK he heard a song at an opeth show...especially since their songs are about 10 minutes each!?!?!?!

You have to KNOW that they played it