Opeth-style song with female vocals


Oct 28, 2006
Hi guys.

I'd like everyone's opinion on a song I'm working on for my band, Leadlight Rose. We're normally a goth metal band and this is a bit more Opeth-style than we normally do but we're all digging it. Opinions on the song would be great, as well as the mix. I haven't dragged the drummer in to program his bits yet, so the drums are a bit sparse, but shouldn't detract too much. Link to the song.

Guitars are:
Burny Les Paul -> Maxon OD820 -> Pod XT -> Guitarhack's between impulse

Bass is:
Scarbee black bass samples -> Ampeg SVX -> Ampeg 8x10 impulse

Drums are DFH Superior.

Edit: updated song link.
This singer sounds like the singet of Evanessence - Really nice voice.

All I can comment on now (laptop speakers) is the guitars lack punch. Are you compressing? Levels sound too low for the distorted guitar parts, and sounds like your hitting it too hard with the compressor, but... my ears are tired today dude.

Sounds like a good song man!! I enjoyed it!
Actually reminds me more of Tool than of Opeth, specially the singers style. I really like the music. Guitars don't sound great, if you did it DI try 'reamping' them through one of the free amp sims that have been posted here (8505 or SoloC or.. forget the 3rd). Drums sound really good but a bit buried. Singer needs some tuning on the long-held notes, and a bit less reverb. Bass is a bit loud and fake :/ Try and automate it.. sometimes its really loud (3:20) and sometimes its about right.
likin' the intro with what sounds like a banjo? vocals are gorgeous, and the heavy elements are awesome. nice production too, especially the vocals! i also agree, she has a Maynard like pattern and swagger thing going on with her voice. Darkly epic!
Sounds really cool. The singer has a nice voice.

Just a small comment that came to my mind: the guitar solo needs some vibrato, it feels really flat :p
Thanks for the comments, guys. I'll try it out with a different guitar sound tonight. The instrument in the intro (and throughout the song) is an oud, which is a sort of Middle-Eastern lute. I'll pass your compliments along to the singer :).
Great song but I'm not digging the production much. What are you playing for the acoustic? It does sounds very banjo... :err:

It's an Oud, a middle-eastern lute-type instrument, from Eastwest's Ra collection.

Is there anything in particular you don't like about the production? Or just an all-round underpolished feel? For a full album, I'd probably just end up sending tracks to someone on this forum who's good (Brett or Lasse, probably), but I'm trying to get it to a good enough level to do a pressing to sell locally and to try to get label interest.
That oud is awesome! Song is cool, I agree with it being more Tool-like though. Singer is great.
To be honest, not a big fan of the production though - it isnt punchy enough and doesnt sound aggressive.