Opeth tour dates!

Goreripper said:
Fuck man I agree. Especially with the Paradise Lost assessment. They bored the fuck out of me and Cathedral blew them off stage!
I thought Anthrax was great though! Also Entombed on the Same Difference tour was better than on the two tours before that. Which is weird coz Same Difference blows.

Paradise Lost were woefull that tour . I think Entombed are just a great live band , they never dissapoint . Anthrax were good on the Persistence of Time tour .

How about Kreator, I was O'eas when they toured , I dont remember hearing great things about that tour , all the talk was about Pungent Stench .
Unklekronoz said:
Paradise Lost were woefull that tour . I think Entombed are just a great live band , they never dissapoint . Anthrax were good on the Persistence of Time tour .

How about Kreator, I was O'eas when they toured , I dont remember hearing great things about that tour , all the talk was about Pungent Stench .

missed Anthrax on PoT - one of my major gig regrets

Kreator were OK but Millie sounded like shit in Sydney - the old songs sounded great but his voice fucked it (I wonder if he always sounded crap live or just had an offnight) - plus Frank Blackfire was in the band then I think and was a glam warrior running around on stage looking stupid - I can barely remember which songs they played (or even which album they toured on) - can't remember if they played Ripping Corpse which is my fave song - pretty sure Riot of Violence, Awakening of the Gods and Pleasure To Kill were aired though

Now that I think about it it was pretty good but at the time I was disappointed - plus Allegiance played before them and they always left a sour taste in my mouth - Alchemist also supported and were awesome playing to about 2 frontrowers
Winmar said:
What didn't you like about Allegiance? I never saw them.....

[font=Arial,Arial]It’s damn petty but here goes:

Because when they came out in the mid 90s they were majorly overhyped as Australia’s best known band because Rob Halford was interested in them – this got them heaps of tours over longer running bands which pissed me off

Also they had a bit of a spat with Alchemist on the Fear Factory tour over playing positions and I am mates with Alchemist so that didn’t go down too well

Live they were OK – nothing wrong with their playing – but I was down on new thrash bands at the time thinking it was just a rehashing of classic stuff with nothing new to offer and I still think they were boring – they seemed dated back then

As I said petty stuff and being popular is hardly the bands fault – but I am a petty man

although the singer had a nice Paradise Lost shirt I recall for some bizarre reason
I see! I can understand where you're coming from... Was it their fault they got hyped and got those supports though?

Any news on an Opeth instore in Melbourne, anyone?!
Yeah the Allegiance thing was really interesting. They got signed to Polygram so automatically they started getting every major tour that came through. They even toured with the Big Day Out and there was heaps of other bands that should have done that (before and since). I never actually saw them play, but their stuff isn't too bad. The wheels really fell off for them after they did their second album though. They played in Sydney one night and about 50 people showed up. After that, they never came here again.
Winmar said:
Any news on an Opeth instore in Melbourne, anyone?!

I asked that guy that works in Metal Mayhem today, and he hadn't heard anything. So it's definitely not at MM if anywhere at all... It doesn't look great....
I never liked Allegiance. Mendicant said it best. Rehashing classic thrash without injecting anything new. At least their better than fucking Segression and Supershit. Two bands who are apparantly "carrying" the Australian metal flag. May bad things happen to those bands.
I went to their last gig in Parra in Dec 2002 and left after about a 3rd song. There was about 50-60 people max because the venue is so big and people are spread out, it could've been a bit more but it seemed like 60 at the most, but then again there were 2 other metal gigs on the same night but still the band like Segression who supported just about every major international tour from mid 90s to early 2000's and having 4 albums under their belt shouldn't be affected by other metal gigs. The same goes for one of their gigs at Club 77 sometime last year. There were less then a 100 people by the time they've reached their half set people were walking out on them.

There must have been something going on in the band, their website hasn't been updated since Aug 2002 and they haven't played since Dec 2002
To get back on the topic of Opeth:
Has anyone heard the new album yet?
Because it fucking rocks!!! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
I's got my's hands on a copy last Sunday (5th of Apirl) and I's loves it. It is the prefect blend of Pink Floyd and melancholic acoustic rock that I's have ever heard. But a warning to anyone you is expecting a pure METAL album, it's nothing like they've really done before.
The Pimp NeonBlack
Twisted Prophecies Entertainme said:
the only thing that stuck to my head after their show is Machine Head's cover of Davidian

Thats about the only decent thing I've ever heard these guy's play. They are completly unoriginal, uninspiring. The singer is a total toss. Theres no arguing the guy's can play but, fuck me, why the puss that they do? I just really don't like them. Am I alone on this?