Sick huh? Interesting. It definitely can get warm and stuffy up there. I like it more now that they added in some chairs for when I'm lazy or don't like the band.
No kidding! I can't go to the Masq anymore because I always come back incredibly sick! Which really sucks because most of the bands I want to see like Kamelot, Firewind and usually Opeth play there :cry: So yes, good news indeed! :cool:

I don't always get sick but half the time I do too

Too much smoke gets into my throat and I get sick really bad for about a week....but I still go anyways it's worth it for the shows
Sick huh? Interesting. It definitely can get warm and stuffy up there. I like it more now that they added in some chairs for when I'm lazy or don't like the band.

Umm, actually, they only put the tables and chairs out upstairs (between the house soundboard and the stage) if the ticket pre-sales indicate the show won't draw more than around half-house, or 400-500 people. If they're expecting a full house, the tables and chairs will be absent.

Every once in a while a show will sell just a few advance tickets, but then it does surprisingly big numbers at-the-door...and the Masq. staff will hastily remove the tables and chairs to make more room. :lol: