Opeth's metal influences?


All is Lost
Feb 7, 2003
Riverside, CA
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Just curious what they were, I got into the scene so much later (i'm only 18) that I havn't heard much older death/black metal. Looking for a place to start I guess.

So I guess the qustion should be, what are THE bands/albums any decent death/black metal fan should know. And I don't mean any of the more mainstream stuff, we've all heard Slayer and Metallica.
Yes Mikael loves Morbid Angel (Altars of Madness) and you can hear that on Deliverence on several ocations. (The beginning riff of Masters Aprentice)
AS to your Question of witch bands you should know, some Deathmetal bands that are a must are:

Death (Duh!), Morbid Angel, Grave, Early Entombed, Dismember, Suffocation.

Those are the Classics, but also some new stuff is great, mainly Bloodbath (Mikael !!!)
Kate Bush Rules! said:
I think the main black metal influence on Opeth has been Emperor.

Sure . Emperor R.I.P
from numerous interviews mike has stated that his metal influences are mostly old school metal. judas priest, bathory, celtic frost, iron maiden, etc. just look at the cover songs they have performed. old entombed and old grave as well. you should start out with:
judas priest-unleased in the east
bathory-blood fire death
entombed-clandestine or left hand path
iron maiden-killers or number of the beast
celtic frost-morbid tales or into the pandemonium

and if you don't have some early black sabbath then shame on you.
the alumnus said:
from numerous interviews mike has stated that his metal influences are mostly old school metal. judas priest, bathory, celtic frost, iron maiden, etc. just look at the cover songs they have performed.

Yep. Lots of old school metal. Iron Maiden! I'd go with everythig Dickinson, but the first two albums are worth owning as well. As for the two albums with that Blaze guy, they blow. Stay away.

np: Damnation
mmm i like clandestine like 100x better than left hand path.. .. I dunno somehow i got into new entombed as well.. its not as good.. but its not as bad as new METALLICA thats fer sure..

Mmmm I LOVe carcass.. heartwork is definately a work of art. They have fucking brilliant break downs for solo's and the sweetest little accoustic like bridges. mmm tasty. Swansong is also great. groovy ass album. That necromanting the whatever who what when album is good too!! damn.. Carcass is all good!

Oh yeah we were talking about musical influences right? If you take a gander at either the opeth webpage Bios, or the bloodbath.. ( cant remember whihc.. too lazy to look. ) It shows a list of the members influences and such. And i mean lets not forget his mighty lord satan.. he must have whispered a few dark lullabies in mikes ear :)
jinks said:
Mmmm I LOVe carcass.. heartwork is definately a work of art. They have fucking brilliant break downs for solo's and the sweetest little accoustic like bridges. mmm tasty. Swansong is also great. groovy ass album. That necromanting the whatever who what when album is good too!! damn.. Carcass is all good!


Necroticism - Descanting the Insalubrious. :heh: It's a great album, Carcass have probably the best solos of any death metal band around.
Black Sabbath was the first metal I really got into, I played more sabbath learning guitar then anything else I think. Priest and Maiden were a bit later but i've still been into them for a while. Was definitly looking for the more obscure stuff and you guys have given lots of great suggestions. So right now i'm just being a download whore on kazaa trying to get as much as I can :tickled:
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TakinTheMusicBack said:
If you want to check out a great death/grind band then try Carcass. Their Heartwork album is amazing.
As for great bands - well AC/DC are the fucking kings!!

Early Carcass is quite excellent mixture of grindcore and death metal but by the time of Heartwork most of that had been dropped. No grind is seen on that album and the death metal influences are very slight too.
Morbid Angel i think inspired maybe all tru metal bands. Altars of Madness and Covenant alone stand the test of time.