the 5 worsts opeth's song?

Damn, this is truly a hard one, Id have to say:
By The Pain I see in others-just doesnt seem like a song Opeth would make, it feels so wrong everytime I hear it, and to me it's not what they are all about.
A Fair Judgement-I find nothing interesting happening in this song at all, and the only part I care for listening to is the few solos at the end. When I first heard it I thought it was a good song, but after a week, I hated, and have ever since.
White Cluster-SOmething about it seems to not fit the greatness that is still life. Dont get me wrong, I could never in my life do any better, but it seems like they ran out of "Opethness" when they got around to writing the last song, I would be more content if SPD was the last song, because that is what they are all about :)

Shit, that's all now that I think about it, and this is including all of the anomolous tracks ranging from Silhouette to Madrigal to Weakness(any tracks that are just completely not trOO Opeth tracks)
Not including Damnation (i find most of those songs boring), here are my picks:

Nectar - I just can't get into all the little melodies. They all seem detatched from one another. To me it almost feels as if they crammed all these melodies together without thinking about how it sonds.
Epilogue - Boring
To Bid You Farewell - Boring

That's all
Under the weeping moon
The Twilight is my Robe

I feel like these were not executed in the studio as well as they could've been, especially Under the weeping moon which has a glaring drum fuckup in it.

To Bid you Farewell

Not that it's bad, but if there was one I'd skip, it's this one.

These are the only three that bug me.
(any tracks that are just completely not trOO Opeth tracks)

alright, i have to admit, that actually fucking offended can you say shit like that? "True" (spelled gay) opeth tracks? That fucking amazes me you can say such horseshit, if they made it then its theirs, and all those you mentioned are all TRUE opeth as is every other song (maybe not their covertracks, but even those are styled in their own way).
but it seems like they ran out of "Opethness" when they got around to writing the last song
first off: opethness? they fucking wrote it (mikael) therefore once again it is theirs, and of course your entitled to your own opinion...but next time maybe you should phrase it differently
second off: White cluster fucking rocks as does the rest of still life :rock:
Forgot to mention, I love the music in TBYF but some of the lyrics don't sound as great as the rest of Mikael's work. Nothing in particular, they just leave me feeling empty and stuff, like there should have been more going on there...
I still love the song and the lyrics (esp. at the end) are cool.
This is a hate thread. Anyway:

Weakness. The name says it all.
To bid you farewell. Sorry fowks, I dont like it. Never has.
In My Time Of Need. Not so bad. But not so good either. Nice on the TV4 thingy and on the DVD though.
Benighted. It's a great song, but the other songs are better.
Requiem. Not a song. I guess, just an intro to The Apostle In Triumph.

This is it.
--Wreath (The first part of the song, that repeats throughout, there's just someting wrong with it)

--Dirge For November (The heavy part in the middle is kind of droning and doesn't go anywhere)

--Any three tracks off of Orchid other than "Twilight is my Robe" and "Apostle in Triumph" (Not bad, just nowhere near the level of Opeth's other work)

This list is excluding "Into the Frost of Winter" and "Eternal Soul Torture," since those songs are horrible in their original forms, and they went on to become better tracks.
Oh man, PEOPLE, what's wrong with you??? Opeth BAD tracks?? No way! Oh o.k., to be honest, they have a few. But even the worst Opeth songs are better than a lot of other shit that's going around in metal these days!

Mine would be,

Dirge for novemeber (one of their best mellow parts though!!)
Death whispered a lullaby (the chorus sucks...)
some off Orchid, never play that album much. Today's Opeth is way better!

But guys; Benighted, Bleak, SPD, BWP, Face Of Melinda, BTPISIO, Hope Leaves, In My Time Of Need and White Cluster are some of their finest!! How can people not like these songs?
That's strange.....
1. "Weakness" fucking hopeless song especially to finish off the album.
2. "To bid you farewell"
3. "Dirge for november"
4. "By the pain i see in others"
5. "Under the weeping moon" or "a fair judment"
I can pick 5, but not in any order...I just don't listen to them that much...

Ending Credits (just too boring, and I know weakness is next, an is a much better quite song)
silhouette (not big on piano, and because its before Forest of October)
Eternal Soul Torture (This is the one song I truly hate from opeth)
Moonlapse Vertigo (I am particularly to blame for this song. It's not that I don't like it, its that I once liked it too much, and burnt myself out on it. And it has striking similarities to Godhead Laments)
Karma (the ending fucking rules, but other then that, its between credence and epilogue, two amazing soft songs. Its just out of place. If this was track was switched in order with Demon of the Fall, I think the album would flow smoother)
Ending Credits
Death Whispered A Lullaby
Hope Leaves

The listed Damnation songs have an almost mysterious feature: When I don't focus on them with immense concentration I can't remember listening to them at all afterwards. They are well-done but completely unexciting. And Wreath is just a "regular" Opeth song that lacks the special something that makes most Opeth songs so good.

EDIT: I don't know if it has already been mentioned but the thread title is a masterpiece of grammatical nonsense. Congratulations!
I'm surprised so many people can't stand A Fair Judgement. That's basically the only track I listen to off Deliverance now.

As for my least liked Opeth tracks, I couldn't recall their names off the top of my head but they'd be off Orchid and Deliverance.
What's so bad about wreath?!? It's one of my favorite songs and more than half of you have it on your worst list? What's up with that? Why don't you like it (as opposed to other tracks from deliverance)?
Wooooooa, you must be kidding !!!!!! White Cluster??????? To bid..?????? no comment
I would say, with great sorrow and pain:

In My time of need
Into the frost of Winter
Requiem/For Absent Friends
And I cant comprehend why some of you dislike "In The Mist.." - listen to the intro, then skip the middle part, then play it at 8:35..... beautiful riff
oh god, why so much Masters Apprentice bashing?

Under the Weeping Moon (lacks flow)
Rate: 2/5
Dirge for November (not really fair, as I love the intro and outro (the clean parts) but the middle part is a bit too much "standard ocataves lets go")
Rate: 3/5
The night and the silent water (lacks interesting choice-of-notes)
Rate: 1.5/5
Black Rose Immortal (completely piled together, not an epic in my book, nice parts a little here and there though)
Rate: 2.5/5
Silouthe (crappy synth sound and typical early 90s pianotrackonmetalalbum playing)
Rate: 2/5

And that's it. The rest is pure gold.
so the big losers would have to be if i look at the results...:

1.wreath ( it surprised me to see so many posts about that one. its not one of my favs but i still love it) the pain I see in others
3.death whispered a lullaby
4.weakness ( no surprises here)
5. dirge for november ( another surprise for me i really love it)
6. ending credits ( the only one i don't like at all)
7. a fair judgement ( one of my personnal favorites .. really touched me live)
8. nectar
9.the night and the silent water
10. master's apprentice

i did not expect half of those songs!