Opeths new release....

i have to say i dont like opeth my self but thats my opinion i bought the orchid cd cuz a friend said buy it you will like it. I did, listened to it once and sold it to a used cd shop down the road cuz it sucked ass almost worse than mteallica's load series
well, the official people at opeth site and tomar at end records isn't saying it is delayed so I am still expecting mine by the earlier european release date.

To have seen Opeth at Milwaukee metalfest when america proved they could be a killer metal audience. \m/
____________________________________________________Originally Posted By mindInsane: ...if you don't want people to disagree with you don't go into a thread with a bunch of the band's fans and start saying how they suck...
That about sums it up....................Officer Nice is just being a bad cop......................My Father once told me Cops can do whatever they want....................How true he was.........but I'm sure you guys agree upon more than you disagree..............unless you disagree with me???????????????????????????????????????
This reminds me of the IN FLAMES thread......................
I hate to break this to all you dumbasses but IT WAS HIS FUCKIN OPINION so get over it. Okay? And for MindInsane's and Deadly Embrace's comments... HE SAID HE LIKED IT WHEN PPL DISAGREE... duh... why don't you read OfficerNice's posts next time?

<Sigh> Message boards make me pity humanity more every time I visit one.

P.S. Deadly Embrace, what's with the overkill punctuation? It makes you look like a retarded blind monkey or something.

P.S. #2 - I heard cds have 190 bitrate... did I get incorrect information? If so, what is the actual bitrate (or equivalent)?
Originally Posted By Stun
P.S. Deadly Embrace, what's with the overkill punctuation? It makes you look like a retarded blind monkey or something.

Why, just to bug people like you, sure worked...................
But hows the night life in New BrunsDick, Canada,
as boring as you are............I'll bet ......you dated a few Retarded Blind Monkey's, though...........Troll on........
Message boards make you pity humanity?? Is it because people make stupid ass comments like this?

P.S. Deadly Embrace, what's with the overkill punctuation? It makes you look like a retarded blind monkey or something. [/B]

That's what I thought. I completely agree.

As for Officer Nice, I think he can fight his own battles.. I commend you for your herioc efforts though.
?? Uh, okay, how old are you guys? 12?

to Deadly Embrace: I'd like to know how that was trolling... and your horrible punctuation didn't bother me at all. I just wanted to know why. And the reason you gave was exactly the same reason ppl troll. And making fun of where I live? <Sighs again, louder>

to MindInsane: you don't deserve a response.
Originally posted by NecromancerAlpha
to me i see one big flaw with Opeth...

their *NOT* nile




You seen them live Necro? Pretty incredible! (Nile that is)

(I don't know about them being better than Opeth though...I think we'll have to agree to disagree on that one).
I notice you did not deny dating, retarded Blind Monkey's............
I'll puncuate..........anyway.................I want..............it's personal.
answer to your stupid question.........................
Necro, Cryptopsy is flawless as well..BUT...that new singer of theirs is horrible! I couldn't stand listening to him. The music and the other singers sound great though. I don't know if you like them or not, but Crissian (sp?) is really good live too. My bro tells me they are really boring on their cd's but I really liked them live.
Originally posted by Stun
I hate to break this to all you dumbasses but IT WAS HIS FUCKIN OPINION so get over it. Okay? And for MindInsane's and Deadly Embrace's comments... HE SAID HE LIKED IT WHEN PPL DISAGREE... duh... why don't you read OfficerNice's posts next time?

Right on Brother! Speak it! Whether you're defending my
standpoint or not, YOU MAKE COMPLETE SENSE!


<Sigh> Message boards make me pity humanity more every time I visit one.

I know! , huh?

-Bad Cop, AKA OfficerNice.

BTW, If you dig Dio, Last in Live shreds....
Can we just quit this rediculous shit? Officer Nice...I'm sorry I put assholes everywhere on my now playing spot..I don't really think you're an asshole..

I still think it sucks to put other peoples music down, especially on a post board like this. BUT we're all entitled to our own opinions..so if you want to put my favorite bands down I guess that's your choice to make.

I started posting on this board to chat with people about metal, not argue about stupid shit..so let's start over.

As for you Stun..calling someone a retarded monkey is pretty damn stupid. You should watch what you say to people in here because you never know who you are talking to.

Anyway..:rock: ROCK ON!!!
It's all good. I have no beefs.

I'm listening to Doro Pesch's cover of Dio's Egypt.
It's fucking amazing.

It's all good in the Metal hood.
