opeths next album

Yeah but I think what he meant is an entire song of heaviness, no/few mellow parts, with only clean vocals. It would be interesting to see if they could make that work.
i think they could. like i said, revire/harlequin forest was the closest theyve done (if that is kinda what youre talking about, as its quite a bit hevaier heavier IMO than a fair jugement). but then again, those growl place in harlequin just aded so much to the song.
I think they should add a violin in some of their songs to add some doom influence to certain parts.
a fairJ wasnt realy a heavy song i mean like ^ ether an all heavy song with no clean guitar with all clean singing (katatonia)but not to sound like them, or the normal heavy, soft, heavy structure but with no death vocs
yeahhh^ but i would like it to have like catchy bits like the clean singing on heavy songs still. or like katatonia catchy
no strings would make it ether cheesey or gay like apocaliptica or how ever u spell it or itll be doomy and thats not opeth...... but then i dont know it could be good i love doom ha
Then again, show me an Opeth song that is 100% heavy... Oh wait, Into the Frost of Winter :D but I guess nothing more... And if Mike recorded only clean vocals over heavy riffs most people would still moan it's not heavy...

But... It could be interesting :D
That brings to mind the talking vocals on "Ghost of Perdition". You know,
"Devil cracked the earthly..", and I really liked that type of thing. Maybe we might see some more of that.