Opeth vs. Children of Bodom

Children of Bodom is a beautiful band. I've been a fan for years and I still appreciate them.
Opeth though, is one of my all time favorite metal related bands and appeal more to me nowadays. Everything about them intrigues me because their music is very diverse, mature, well balanced between extreme and mellow, roots from some 70s prog with some unique approaches to some black metal(orchid and morningrise albums). Every album of theirs has its own identity.
Children of Bodom and Opeth have yet to make a bad album...keep up the great music.
1st: I am comparing these bands totally out of contrast. Reason: CoB People Come here and express their hatred. I just Justified it. Yes Opeth is Music with Feeling and Yes Children Of Bodom have great catchy riffs....But there is really no comparison. 2nd It's an Opeth forum, I have the right to award Opeth any points I feel just in my OWN scoring system as I play Guitar 12 years, I know Talent when I hear it. 3rd If you don't like this thread then go listen to CoB, Eat Mayonaise and Fuck Off !!!!
Last post..all to say is...vindricate must be the most ignorant moron ever and must die in a pool of his own urine..goodbye
Vindicate said:
Reason: CoB People Come here and express their hatred.
For fucks sake... each to their own. We havent had any CoB/Opeth bickering for months. You're the only one who brought it up.

Yes, Vindicate, you are a moron, and whatever BoDoM0311 said.

Yes... Bodom's music is substantiated only by catchy tunes and flashy guitars/keyboards... its all too cheesy for me.
BoDoM0311 said:
First of all, these diehard Opeth fans need to stop putting this band on some glorious pedistal...its damn fine if u like them more than COB, but some of the commects made are quite ignorant. Also, I love how some of you guys try to make it sound as if Opeth are better musicians than the guys of COB just because of the way Opeth writes...also untrue. Beyond the fact that Alexi, Roope and Janne have more technical ability and the fact that they can compose there songs by using theoretical knowledge that they have give them a plus in this department. Now Opeth (I know this doesnt mean that Bodoms music is better.. but I have just got this vibe that people think that Opeth has the best musicians) doesnt know anything about what they write (guitar.com interview video with the guys playing) and when asked to do stuff all they really do is strum these acoustic chords which are neat but get boring while just calling it "a chord up the neck"). Anyways, after that rant, I still think Opeth is good stuff...a little boring to me..and yes I do like COB more...and this wasnt directed toward everyone here but more toward the starting poster...anyways...nice day all...stay heavy :rock:
Whilst I love Bodom, I still have to say that you can't equate technical prowess to artistic integrity/good composition.

I like Bodom because I can take them at face-value. A very in-your-face flashy, speed-oriented bands that make very standard, predictable type metal. The reason they are boring for some is because I'm sure the constant use of harmonic minors and other metal-oriented scales do tend to get tedious after a while.

The deal with Opeth is that they have riffs like no other. When Mikael composes a riff, it's no simple E chugging with some minor progression played at blazing light speed. Mikael crafts riffs and makes the riff itself almost a song. It is the sum of its parts... an Opeth riff isn't one idea... it's quite clear that there are multiple ideas that go towards shaping the final product. And I really respect this level of musicianship and devotion to songwriting that Opeth show.

As I said before, I love Bodom, so don't get me wrong here. I just think that if either band out of the two would be more boring for myself, as a musician, it would most certainly be Bodom. Their constant reliance on theory and mechanically-restricted progressions can get quite tedious to someone who's heard it all before countless times.

Both great bands nonetheless.
You all suck. Maudlin of the Well owns both bands...

But seriously...I like both Opeth and COB. I used to like COB alot but I lost interest as every song seemed to have the same structure with the same key, same scale, same solos. I refer COB as novelty metal. Opeth has a longer lasting impact on me that seems to blow me away with every listen. Also, I can't stand cheesy keyboard solos...which is also why I can't stand alot of Dream Theater and power metal.

As far as I know, alot of people in the Opeth forums hold the band to such high standards. Just like the COB board. It's all personal preference and we all know that Maudlin of the Well is better than both bands :D *cowers away*
Since a great portion of Alexi idolizers love to build exact replications of Alexi's custom made Randy Rhoads Jackson model...I'm curious to know if there are any die-hard Akerfeldt fans who have his whole rig.

To Moonlapse' last post...that was pretty well said man. It's actually how I feel too kinda, of course though Children of Bodom is still very beautiful.
Leper_/-\ffinity said:
Opeth is timeless music, and will be remembered, where as Children of Bodom will die along with melodic/neoclassical death metal. I like both bands, but in terms of listening, I would vote Opeth 100% over CoB.

true, the whole melodic/neoclassical death metal thing is a trend...and will die...its like the "nu-metal" trend. i'm not a big fan of "labels"...once labels are put on a band...then they fall into a category...and all the trendy motherfuckers have "genre" wars...then bands die....

fortunately, opeth falls into...really...no category at all....there is no one else like them...
Moonlapse said:
I have very serious doubts that anybody here can afford a PRS... much less have left over cash to replace the pickups with :lol:

I have a PRS custom 24 quilted 10 top in whale blue. not unlike mikaels actually. the difference being his pickups are changed, and i chose to get the moon inlays since im not a big fan of the bird inlays. :loco:

heres a picture of it (just click open if the box appears...not "save" its a darker blue than the picture made it seem, it kinda came out turquoise:

Vindicate said:
1st: I am comparing these bands totally out of contrast. Reason: CoB People Come here and express their hatred. I just Justified it. Yes Opeth is Music with Feeling and Yes Children Of Bodom have great catchy riffs....But there is really no comparison. 2nd It's an Opeth forum, I have the right to award Opeth any points I feel just in my OWN scoring system as I play Guitar 12 years, I know Talent when I hear it. 3rd If you don't like this thread then go listen to CoB, Eat Mayonaise and Fuck Off !!!!

Hey! Your an ignorant fucker. After 12 years of guitar you can't notice that Bodom has a splice of complexity to it? I say that's a bunch of bullshit right there. And if there is really no comparison between the bands, than why did you make this fucking thread? Just so you could "stick it" to the Bodom fans? Opeth is great, one of my favorites, but you don't need to bomb on Bodom for no reason. Just go fuck yourself and do something besides piss people off with your ignorance.
Well MoshMaster, I already typed 3 times why I made this thread, You either need to learn how to read or Chill the fuck out...You prolly live with your Mom and have no friends nor girls that even know your alive. I never stated ONCE I Dislike Children of Bodom they are great...Compared to Opeth on the other hand, They are Bon Jovi. Do me a favor MoshMaster, Go play with your G.I Joe's, Eat Mayonaise and fuck off!

Long Live Opeth!!
Land Of Grey And Pink said:
I have a PRS custom 24 quilted 10 top in whale blue. not unlike mikaels actually. the difference being his pickups are changed, and i chose to get the moon inlays since im not a big fan of the bird inlays. :loco:

heres a picture of it (just click open if the box appears...not "save" its a darker blue than the picture made it seem, it kinda came out turquoise:


Wow, I didn't know you could get moon inlays.

Have you got a photo?