Opeth vs. Children of Bodom

xxChaoticManifestoxx said:
*sigh* Neoclassical doesn't necessarily refer to longwinded monotonous shredding solos. Some metal bands that are neo classical are The Chasm, Burzum, Winds etc....

Exactly. Neoclassical refers to the structure of the music; there are a stupidly large range of artists/composers you could class as neoclassical.
First album was very Neoclassical
Second Was more Heavy MEtal/Neoclassical
Third was Extremelyu melodic MEtal
Fourth was HArdcore punk with screamo vocals and insane solos

This is the dumbest shit i have ever red.............
jaykeegan said:
It must have took you a while to save up for that PRS.

Actually i didnt save at all...i make good money...the family business does very well...i chose to work there because of the financial opportunities to be had...moonlapse knows what hes talking about. :grin:
my supposition is that grey and pinks family business is....porn. nothing against that - its just my idea. what say you, grey and pink?
dorian gray said:
my supposition is that grey and pinks family business is....porn. nothing against that - its just my idea. what say you, grey and pink?

Haha, i wish. Unfortunately its a high end designer furniture store...but maybe one day i can branch out into porn...strictly lesbianic porn. :cool:
I own a couple of bodom cds but they are NO match for Opeth, I have all the Opeth albums and the DVD and Opeth is much better. Mikael is a god on guitar, not becuase he can shred like a mad man, but becuase of his composing ability, the riffs he writes are so complex, with chords unknown to most musicians. and another reason is, HE SINGS WHILE HE PLAYS IT!. i have tried my hand singing while playing Opeth riffs and it doesnt work out. Its really hard to do. Opeth is also better because they are so Diverse and out of the ordinary, writing 10 minit + epic songs, changing the mood constantly, while bodom usuallyy plays fast and screams for about 3 minits then time for the next song which sounds exactly the same. With Opeth No song sounds the same and you can NEVER get bored listening to them. I have listened to all my albums millions of times over and will continue to do so. LONG LIVE OPETH!!!!!!!!
Also Opeth is a very emotional band, a atribute uncommon to most metal bands. Opeth can make you angry one minit and then sudden switch to a very sad and somber mood. And that above all is probobly what I love about Opeth the most.
this is the most pointless thread i have ever seen. I love both CoB and Opeth, own all of both bands releases, and i love them all. I also get pissed off hearing people talk shit about both bands saying how one of them suck and are horrible. That may be your opinion but keep it to yourself. I like Bodom more but i still Love Opeth to. Though ive seen Bodom for both there US tours and still havent seen Opeth yet. I would still love to see opeth, and i will :D