opinion on guitar sound(impulses)


Sigurd Løberg
Feb 16, 2006
Trondheim, Norway
Well, I decided to give it a try and recorded a clip with my randall top. I used both Kazrogs and Splatt88s impulses. I found Kazrogs impulse to be a little "dark" and Splatts to be a little bright. I'm no rocketscientist, but hey...
I slammed them together and this is what came out the experiment.

I think it beats the podxt pretty good, but what do you guys think of it?

sounds pretty good! can you tell me more about how its panned/on what tracks you used which impulses

what kind of pod settings do you use also?
uh... It's not a pod on this clip. Is that what you're asking or are you reffering to the other clips on the soundclick page?
There's a total of four rhytm guitar tracks on this clip. Two of them are panned hard left and right and the other two 80% left and right.
What is impulses? Noob alert. I think it sounds like early Death, Which is a good thing. The sounds stinks...But a good stink. Know what I mean?

i would mix that with a low gain tube track down the center to give it some body. Me likey.