opinions on 7 string pickups?

the alumnus

Nov 25, 2002
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surprisingly, i've been so far pleased with the stock ibanez pickups on my rg 7321. but its still a bit lacking, especially in the high register where the brights aren't bright enough and doesn't really have the presence i want. any opinions on a good 7 string pickup that is really balanced between great lead tones and solid rythm as well? i've been looking into dimarzio evolution 7 (i'm a dimarzio junkie), but the reviews seem to indicate that they would be lacking in the rythm department. i've never tried a seymour duncan, maybe its the time to start...
I have Duncan Invader 7s one of my guitars, and DiMarzio Blaze Customs on another 7string.

I both cases, I custom ordered them with slightly boosted mids, but in either case, bot sets of pickups sounds great, but different.

It's going to be a matter of taste for you, but the Invaders are all about high output, so, counter to what you might think, I tend to use that guitar for less over-driven amps to get that extra little push. Sounds really good on mildly over-driven blues tones and fenderish cleans. Plus, that guitar is wired so I can get single coil tones as well. Pretty versatile.

My Dimarzios are great sounding as well, and I tend to use that guitar when I want to do more rock and metal. They have a more "even" response to me, and my playing tends to "flow" more with the Blaze pickups.

But again, pickup selection is a pretty personal thing. You could also try to find out what your favorite 7 players are using to get their sounds.
thanks for the input. yeah, the problem is that there aren't too many 7 string players whose tone i really enjoy. there is morbid angel, mithras, and that's about it. i think they both use ibanez universe, which has the blaze pickups. i don't know if any recording artist i know uses anything but the universe, and i don't know if they use anthing but stock.
tone zone 7 in my carvin's tight and punchy, that where the slime live rhythm sound's definitely doable, more mids than anything else, eq-ing for live has to be done carefully, but it's not too dark in my guitar..